The Girl Story – Fabienne Phillips Is Having The Ride Of Her Life

It began with quintessential Aussie paddock bashing

Since a teenager, motorbikes have played a major part in Fabienne Phillips’ life. It was then that she inherited a pre-60s Mobylette from her French grandparents.

For a girl who previously loved nothing more than to paddock bash on a dirt bike, this took riding to another level and a great respect for bikes was born.

It wasn’t, however, for another 26 years after Fabienne restored the Mobylette and placed it in storage after the family’s country property was sold, that she rekindled her passion and love of bikes and is now the proud founder of Girl

The road to Girl

It took a chance meeting with a guy who owned a 1000cc sports bike to get Fabienne back in the saddle, well, should we say pillion saddle!

Perhaps it was the corny excuse of arm-wrapping, or perhaps it was the exhilaration of being on the open road, but yes, she sat up on that high, tiny seat for a year and it was the best learning experience she could have wished for.

With Fabienne’s passion for bikes and the freedom they provide rekindled, it was time to fly solo.

After successfully passing her Ls and Ps, Fabienne bought her first bike, a Honda CB400. With constant practice and road time, she outgrew it in less than eight months, progressing to a Triumph Street Triple 675, which she currently owns.

With three long-haul international rides under her belt and another upcoming, Fabienne’s never looked back, and she’s completely immersed in the world of bikes.

Girl boss Fabienne Phillips

Girl is born

Throughout Fabienne’s bike riding journey, she’s experienced many incredible places.

“My bike has opened up my world, she says.

“I relish the empowerment, freedom, individualism and adrenalin. Most of all, I enjoy being in the moment.”

Fabienne founded Girl to empower Australian women, regardless of experience, to ride motorbikes more safely, confidently and stylishly than they ever imagined possible. She is passionate about sharing her knowledge and wants you to experience how a bike expands your world.

ABOUT GIRL TORQUE.CC, is Australia’s first integrated motorcycle training organisation, singularly focused on women who ride.

“As licensed motorcycle instructor, I teach women from beginners to intermediate riders,” says Fabienne, who launched Girl in November 2017 at the Sydney Motorbike Show. “I transform the way female motorbike beginners feel and act on the road through access to individually tailored rider training.

“Girl profile women and match them to the most suitable bikes, based on their experience, shape, size, purpose and needs. We source and assist in the purchase of all things apparel, gear, equipment, luggage and accessories for women riders.”

“Girl was founded with an adventurous spirit and inspirational ambitions: to empower Australian women to ride motorbikes more safely, confidently and stylishly than they ever imagined possible.”

Girl provides a lifelong riding journey.

Check out the Girl Torque App, here. 

Notes: Check out prices on the website, here.  

The Carousel

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.

This post was last modified on 03/06/2018 12:27 pm

The Carousel: The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.
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