Sasha’s Surprise Xmas Gift For Bachelorette Sam

Sashas Surprise Xmas Gift For Bachelorette Sam
The Carousel The Carousel has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

Dec 22, 2015

Sam’s new beau Sasha shared this Instagram snap below from a recent Christmas party in which Sam and Kym proudly show off identical black handbags.

In the caption Sasha declares: “Two of the favourite women in my life together at my Mum’s Christmas party a week ago!

“As a pure coincidence they received the same gift… me! Oh and the same handbag!”

The Bachelorette Sam Frost Sasha Mielczarek 1

It’s a stark turnaround from the awkward introduction Sam had to Kym and the family when she first appeared at the house during filming for The Bachelorette.

Sitting down for dinner, she recalled the “very humiliating” experience of being dumped by Blake Garvey shortly after winning The Bachelor.

“It was very humiliating actually… and here I am again! It was really difficult and I’ve worked so hard to put that behind me and I don’t ever want that to define me,’ she said, with the family responding sympathetically.

The Bachelorette Sam Frost Sasha Mielczarek 2

The 26-year-old was left stunned when Kym put her under the spotlight, asking: “The last show you were on, are you over that? And what about grandkids?”

“We wouldn’t let anyone into the family until I thought it was right.”

The family matriarch, however, has now done a 180-degree turn in every way.

She even dug out Sasha’s old childhood shot, below, to show her what their own children may look like one day.

The Bachelorette Sam Frost Sasha Mielczarek 3

“If anyone was wondering what little Sash looked like, here you go!” writes Sasha in the caption to the Instagram shot.

“Tiny but tough, yes, I was a badass back then but I wasn’t the fasted learner!

“I was 18 months before I started walking and 28 when I learnt to spell my last name!”

Sam has since returned to her native Melbourne for Christmas and it’s not known whether her 31-year-old boyfriend will join her for the holidays.

Meanwhile, sharing a snap taken with her younger brother at his birthday celebration, Sam gushes over the youngster.

The Bachelorette Sam Frost Sasha Mielczarek 4

“My gorgeous baby bro, I know I can an overprotective pain in the ass big sister, but it’s my job.

“You are the most lovely, generous, funny & smart young man. So very proud of you spunk.”

The Carousel

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.


By The Carousel The Carousel has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.



The Carousel
