Learn To Meditate With Chris Hemsworth Guiding You All The Way

Meditate With Chris Hemsworth

In honour of raising awareness around mental health issues, Chris Hemsworth is now sharing the power of meditation with audiences around the world via videos accessible on the Centr YouTube channel. The meditation is narrated entirely by Chris himself and aims to still your mind and focus your breathing all while his calming voice leads the way.

This is timely as we kickstart our new year and we should be looking out for helpful strategies we can use to improve our mental health every day. This new video is definitely one such strategy. Hemsworth, the very well-known actor guides us through learning how to meditate and release stress.


These videos were formerly exclusively available on Centr but now they’re available for everyone to hear. That’s right, you won’t need a subscription to Chris’ holistic health and wellness app to appreciate and unwind while listening to Chris’ soothing voice.

There are more videos available at Centr’s 7-day Learn to Meditate Series,  all narrated by Chris himself and highlighting different meditation techniques. There are seven videos in the series so you can gradually move from learning one style of beginner meditation and then moving on to the next.

Pamela Connellan

Pamela Connellan is a journalist specialising in lifestyle, trends, sustainability, tech products, movies and streaming. Pamela has been a journalist for over 20 years and is a multiple finalist for the Samsung Lizzie's Awards for excellence in technology journalism. Pamela is a regular writer for TheCarousel.com and WomenLoveTech.com

This post was last modified on 12/01/2023 4:30 pm

Pamela Connellan: Pamela Connellan is a journalist specialising in lifestyle, trends, sustainability, tech products, movies and streaming. Pamela has been a journalist for over 20 years and is a multiple finalist for the Samsung Lizzie's Awards for excellence in technology journalism. Pamela is a regular writer for TheCarousel.com and WomenLoveTech.com
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