Of course, Network Ten’s The Bachelor Australia is behind this cheeky research with sponsors Wrigley’s EXTRA™gum revealing that the top five pick-up lines most likely to impress Australians are:
“I forgot my phone number, can I have yours?”
“I think there is something wrong with my phone. Could you try calling it for me to see if it rings?”
“Do you believe in love at first sight…or should I walk around you three or four more times?”
“Hi, I’m doing a survey… What’s your name? What’s your phone number? Are you free next Saturday.”
“Have a feel of this shirt – do you know what that feels like? Boyfriend material.”
But for half of Australian daters (49 per cent), a simple compliment is the real key to success when impressing the opposite sex. And let’s face it, while everyone loves a compliment, it’s the chat you’ve got that really determines your success rate!
The chat up line least likely to succeed amongst Aussie women was “are you on LinkedIn? Because I think we have a connection”, followed by “you look like a parking ticket – because you’ve got fine written all over you”. And lay off the garlic if you’re out to impress – smelly breath is also the major turn off for half of men and women (50 per cent).
The research also found that while 2 out of 3 guys (66 per cent) admit to using a chat up line when looking to impress the ladies, only 1 in 20 females (5 per cent) are actually impressed by a chat up line. In fact, over half of those surveyed said a simple compliment was the most successful way to get their attention (55 per cent). For men, half (47 per cent) believe that a confident smile is a winning approach when approaching the opposite sex.
Here’s what you can do…
When it comes to personal appearance, keeping fresh and at your best is as important to men as it is women. Astonishingly, the research found that men are notching up almost as much time when it comes to getting ready for a date, spending 40 minutes on average, just 10 minutes extra compared to the average time of 55 minutes for women.
Chantal Hryniewski, 2014 Bachelor contestant and Wrigley’s EXTRA™gum ambassador believes that confidence is key when it comes to successful dates: “Putting on my best smile always makes me feel my best when I am out on a date – having fresh breath can boost your confidence in those critical dating occasions when you need a little help!”
But it’s not all plain sailing in the age of digital dating and online profiles. A whopping 6 out of 10 of those surveyed say they have been sold by false advertising – 61 per cent say they have been in a situation when their date has not met with expectations. Almost one third (30 per cent) of daters have met up with someone who looked completely different to their dating profile.
Of both sexes, over 76 per cent admit to finding the first date a stressful occasion, with 1 in 6 (17 per cent) finding the first ‘highly stressful’, and over a third of males say a first date as comparable to taking their driving test in terms of stress and anxiety. Over half of the females surveyed find first date nerves as stressful as starting a new job.
When it comes to wooing the opposite sex, it seems that a bit of banter goes a long way, with 6 in 10 (58 per cent) citing lively and interesting conversation as an impressive quality in a date (surprise surprise!). 4 out of 10 women indicate that being well groomed and having fresh smelling breath is amongst the most things a date can do to impress them (49 per cent) , while rudeness is considered the biggest turn off, with 6 out of 10 (61 per cent) respondents declaring it one of the biggest turn offs.
Here’s The Ultimate Dos & Donts For Dating
Have a bit of banter: Two thirds of Aussies (58 per cent) say that good banter is the most impressive quality in a date
Pay a simple compliment: Half (49 per cent) of Aussies think a simple compliment is the most successful way to get someone’s attention
Wear a confident smile: One in two women (49 per cent) would be impressed by a confident smile
Put on your favourite outfit: Half of Aussies (52 per cent) say that the key to feeling good before a date is by putting on a favourite outfit
Crack a joke to break the ice: 1 in 3 (30 per cent) daters would prefer a witty joke as an ice breaker
Get blind drunk: 1 in 4 (24 per cent) say that getting blind drunk is one of the biggest turn offs when on a date
Be rude or glib: Almost 2 in 3 Aussies (61 per cent) would put off if their date was rude to them
Order the most expensive item on the menu: One in ten daters (12 per cent) would not be impressed if their date ordered the priciest item on the menu
Eat garlic before a date, or any other foods that lead to smelly breath: Bad breath is a real no-no for half (49 per cent) of Aussies
Crack out your favourite dance move: Keep your moves to yourself – less than 1 in 10 daters (7 per cent) think a dance move is the best way to break the ice
This post was last modified on 03/02/2016 2:44 pm