“It takes a village to raise a child has never been more relevant, the village has just changed what it looks like and is now online” says Carly Abrahams, Founder of MumsPages.com.au and Facebook Group Mums the word-Aus which has over 24,000 Aussie Mum members.
“Traditional mothers groups where you meet in a park or café have dwindled, with babies on different eating and sleeping schedules, plus illness and irritability, mothers would be lucky to catch up with their mums group once a fortnight. However Facebook Mums Groups are there for mothers whenever they need, for whatever they need providing 24 hour support for Mums from Mums.
“Like so many other aspects of our lives that have transitioned to the digital space, so has mothering. In my Mums Facebook Group we have mothers with no family close by or new to Australia with no friends, some that have husbands that travel or work long hours and some that are single parents, all often home alone and feeling isolated. Facebook Mums Groups have eased this isolation dramatically.
- SLEEP – sleep issues, how what, why for baby and toddler sleep but also sleeping issues can be problematic for Mums with older children like 7/8/9yrs
- Food – fussy eaters!
- What to Buy – like prams, sippy cups, first ride-ons etc
- Travel – best places to go with kids, what to pack, how to manage sleeping on planes and time changes
- Toilet Training
- Baby’s firsts – when to start swimming lessons, when to start brushing teeth, when to move to a big bed
- Newborns – breast feeding, choosing formula and managing wind struggles
- Childcare – which ones, juggling work and family life, tips, time savers
- Flu shots – recent one that comes up a lot, what are other mums doing about this
- Businesses and Service Providers – Every day Aussie Mums are looking for trusted Businesses or Service Providers nearby. These came up so often it’s why I started MumsPages.
About Me:
CARLY ABRAHAMS has over 18 years’ experience in communications including; television presenting and producing, marketing, PR, brand management, project management, corporate communications and social media. She is the go-to mum for many, as the creator of the widely celebrated Mums the word-AusFacebook Group which boasts over 24,000 Aussie Mum members, she is also the founder of the leading online marketplace for Mums, MumsPages and had over one million views on her Parenting YouTube Channel. Basically she lives and breathes mummy-hood and has her very own gorgeous son as well.
Michelle Bridges On Being A Mum And The Lack Of Sleep
This post was last modified on 29/04/2021 11:24 am