Princess Charlotte Travels Home To Norfolk! But With A Warning…

Princess Charlotte Travels Home To Norfolk! But With A Warning...
Yvette Le Grew

Lifestyle Writer

May 08, 2015

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have finally taken newborn Princess  Charlotte home to Anmer House – their home on the Queen’s Sandringham Estate – after having stayed with family at Kensington Palace since the birth. But, Kate and Wils have (quit rightly!) issued a letter out to media to respect the couple’s privacy after “a number of intrusions”.

In the letter which was distributed in their local village by Norfolk Police, Kensington Palace gently warned that it hoped the “acts of harassment and breaches of privacy” would cease and expressed it’s stance on the couple’s right to privacy and a “private family life” needed to be balanced with the public interest. The letter stated;

A Kensington Palace spokeswoman said; “The warm-hearted and understandable interest in the Royal Family and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge needs to be balanced with their right to private family life – this is especially important for a family with very young children. This is a letter given by police to individuals found operating on or around the Sandringham estate, including Anmer, on behalf of the royal household. It reminds them of their responsibilities and the rights of the estate. Media are encouraged to speak to royal communications for further guidance about where they can operate on this private estate.”


Here’s some more from the letter;

“There have in the past been a number of intrusions into the privacy of the Royal Family which in the main have been as a result of professional photographers using long-distance lenses, not only to observe the Royal Family, but also to photograph them going about their activities on the estate,” the letter says, adding that previous warnings given to photographers had helped the situation.

“The Sandringham Estate trusts that there will not be a need to take any further action other than bringing these points to your attention.”


What do you think of the balance between a the right to privacy and the public interest? Tell us your thoughts below… 


By Yvette Le Grew

Lifestyle Writer

Yvette Le Grew is the former Online Editor of The Australian Women’s Weekly, former Head of Digital Content at Westfield & freelance fashion, travel, health & lifestyle writer for titles across the UK, Asia and Australia. Yvette now contributes 'at large' for



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