How To Get Your Kids’ Reading: It’s As Easy As ABC

How To Get Your Kids' Reading
Franki Hobson


Jan 20, 2015

It’s so much fun, the kids actually want to learn! ABC Reading Eggs is the multi-award winning online reading program designed to teach children aged between 3 and 13 essential early reading skills. And it’s a mega hit with both children and parents. The program is developed by a highly experienced team of Australian educators with over 30 years’ experience, and has already been used by over 3.4 million children around the world. Here’s how it works, why kids love it, and how it can help your child…



It’s So Much Fun, They Don’t Realise They’re Learning

Interactive animations, great characters, cool activities, catchy music, wicked quizzes – the ABC Reading Eggs journey is packed with so much fun, which is why children love it and stay motivated to learn. The program also features an exciting rewards system, where children earn golden eggs for work completed and can use them to buy games and accessories for their online character or house. The golden egg rewards enhance children’s motivation throughout the program to sustain their interest over a long period of time. And there’s no pressure on the littlies. The self-paced and interactive reading lessons allow children to build their literacy skills in a safe and highly supportive online learning environment. Parents can also track their child’s progress with an integrated reporting feature, and choose to have their child repeat lessons if necessary to reinforce key concepts.

It’s Proven To Work

There’s nothing more reassuring than proven positive results. A massive 91% of parents who try ABC Reading Eggs report a noticeable improvement in their child’s reading within the first few weeks. That’s because ABC Reading Eggs is based on the most up-to-date solid scientific research, focusing on a core reading curriculum of skills and strategies essential for sustained reading success, instructing children in the five areas crucial to literacy development – phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension.


See how it works for your little treasures Right now. The Carousel readers can redeem a special four week free trial by signing up here to see how their child’s reading improves with ABC Reading Eggs.

For more more information visit the website.

Are your children involved in the ABC Reading Eggs online program? Tell us below!…

Franki Hobson

<a href="">rajawd</a> <a href="">Rajawd</a> <a href="">diesel99</a>




The Carousel
