Ex-Olympic track athlete, doctor, motivational and now mum of six Jana Pittman is the very definition of ‘superwoman’. Here Jana tells us how life with her 10-week newborn twins is going and how she’s finally at peace.
How is life as a mum of twins? Did you ever imagine having a brood of six?
Thank you – it’s very busy as I still do my speaker circuit work and take the twins with me – but it’s going well! Twins is a whole new ballgame. When one’s hungry the other wants to sleep. Plus I’m getting stopped all the time by people peering into their pram. I always wanted a big family. I actually found it hard after having a baby that my cluckiness didn’t go away. I’d think, ‘My goodness when am I ever going to feel complete?’ well, I now finally feel like my family is done at six kids!
Why appeals to you about the Lactation Tea from The Breast Feeding Co?
I’ve always had ups and downs with breastfeeding. Sometimes I’d feed for a good length of time and other times it was just weeks or a few months. There is medication you can take to help promote milk supply but it’s only something you can take for a short while and it doesn’t always work.
Breastfeeding Charlie wasn’t working well, so I researched galactagogues – food or herbs that may help increase supply. I found the Lactation Tea from Aussie business The Breast Feeding Tea Co. on their website which contains amazing galactagogues such as Blessed Thistle and Nettle. It tastes great and worked for me immediately – I was so relieved! I drink a cup and about three hours later I’ll have a letdown, it’s really helped my supply.

As a doctor and mum, why is it good for new mothers to have a good breastfeeding milk supply?
If you want to breastfeed having a good supply will make the experience much less stressful. I believe in the health benefits for baby as I’m pro-breastfeeding and like how it can strengthen the mum and child bonding relationship. However, you need to do whatever works best for you. If it’s not working out or you can’t breastfeed as you’re back at work don’t be hard on yourself.
What would you tell women having trouble breastfeeding?
Firstly, don’t judge yourself against others and relax. Then speak to your doctor and be open to trying everything. That may be lactation tea and lactation cookies – the ones from Franjos are good – it may be more pumping or medication or seeing a lactation consultant. I know it’s a challenge hunting down what may work for you, so be open-minded. I’ll be appearing at the 2022 Naturally Good Expo – on June 6-7 – encouraging more retailers to stock the tea so it’s available in more chemists. I feel strongly that it’s good for women to have accessible options.
When you went on SAS Australia you’d just had Charlie not long before. Was it worth it and what did you learn about yourself?
It was daunting leaving Charlie … and I was afraid of looking like an idiot! But in the end it was great. My brother was an ex-Afghanistan army vet and it was the closest I’ll ever get to an actual SAS experience. What I learnt was to be more self-accepting. I also realised that I want to slow down a little in life. I thought, you don’t need to be a superhuman, you’re a great mum and doctor – be happy and slow down.
What do you miss about being a competitive athlete?
Well, sometimes I miss the healthy body and the abs! I still run around the track for fitness and enjoy it. I think I’m still fast, I can’t tell the difference, but my watch tells a very different story! I miss the adrenalin, but I also get adrenalin when I operate or help birth a baby. I much prefer medicine to athletics – I wouldn’t trade it for the world.