Mumpreneur Secrets: Zero To Five Figures In Six Months!

Her creative attributes and natural entrepreneurialism spur her two businesses, Business Jump and Mum CFOs to new levels every day.

Here she shares some of the important lessons she’s learned along the way…

1. What’s the best career advice you’ve ever got?

Near enough is good enough.

It is so common for us as entrepreneurs to want everything to be perfect to within an inch of it’s life. But the thing is, this can create a breeding ground for slow growth, procrastination and analysis paralysis. I am a very visual person so I work much better seeing something in action, determining where it can improve and then going back and refining. That doesn’t mean put out mediocre work, it just means out of the 10 features you want to include, maybe start with five and then add as you go.

2. What’s the biggest secret you’ve learned?

That less is more. I used to work myself into the ground, 24/7, late nights, weekends, utterly determined to make my business a success. But at the time, I didn’t realise I was so burned out that it was suffocating my creativity and stagnating my productivity.

Things changed for me after I had postnatal depression and I put a self-care plan into place. I then read Thrive by Arianna Huffington and I really knew I had to change the way I worked.

When I started to take weekends off, get eight hours sleep and put boundaries in place I felt all my creativity, ideas, thoughts and motivation replenish.

3. What’s the best money habit every successful woman should adopt?

It starts with mindset. How you think and feel about money makes a massive difference to how it flows into your life.

For example, generally when I used to see only a few coins in my purse, I would see it and wish I had more. But now if that happens, I say thank you to those little coins for being in there and changed the scarcity mentality of my mindset. Also anytime I part with money, I bless it and say  – There’s always more where that came from. And, it works!

4. What’s the secret to keeping your career and home life in balance?

Outsourcing, systemising and automation. These 3 were a complete game-changer for my business. It took my business from zero to turning over five-figures within six months and my time spent running the business did not increase with the growth. I generally only work during school hours with sales still coming in 24/7. That goes for things at home as well, my shopping is set to be delivered every week, my daughters canteen order automatically goes through every week and we have a cleaner.

5. What would you say to others thinking about becoming a Mumprenuer?

Think very carefully about your business model and the time required to run your business. When I first started out in business, I was selling a physical product and it did not afford me the income and freedom I thought I was going to get. There was so much time spent buying in products, housing products, picking and packing orders, dispatching orders that I wasn’t able to work ‘on’ the business as much as I wanted to because I was stuck ‘in’ the business.

I ended up selling that business and now run a business where I create digital e-courses and products which means I create them once, and can sell them an infinite amount of times with no more time required to create or replenish products.

This type of income model has truly provided a business which provides freedom and profit.

The Carousel

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.

The Carousel: The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.
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