Inspiring Mumpreneur Shares The Secrets To Her Success

Inspiring Mumprenuer Shares The Secrets To Her Success1
The Carousel The Carousel has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

Aug 19, 2016

When stay-at-home mum Maya Broers decided she was going into business for herself she was so excited she couldn’t sleep.

Inspired by the benefits to her own relationship, she bought the rights to run FuelBox Australia, a toolbox that reminds couples and families about the importance of one-on-one meaningful conversation.

Inspiring Mumprenuer Shares The Secrets To Her Success2

But the mum-of-two admits it was a steep learning curve, and she’s still fine-tuning the lessons she’s learned along the way.

As part of our mumpreneur series, we caught up with the busy Maya to glean some of the secrets to her success.

Whats the best piece of career advice youve ever got?

The best piece of career advice I have would be to stay true to your ‘Why’. It is really easy as a mum to get distracted and shift your focus to other things; but if you stay true to ‘why you started doing your business’ and ‘why you believe in it’ and ‘how and why it benefits others’, it will help you through those hard days. Your ‘Why’ will keep you motivated, focused and true to your business.

Whats the secret to running a successful business from home?

Planning your day and lots of lists. I love to-do lists! Its easy to get sidetracked while working from home but on the days when I don’t have children at home I have to be very planned out about what I am going to get done each day. Sometimes that means not doing household chores and focusing on FuelBox – you need to prioritise.

Whats the best money habit every successful woman should adopt?

Have a good financial system and plan in place from the start. The money side of a business can be overwhelming so having a plan is paramount. If you have a system, a clear financial plan and keep your budgets organised it is a lot easier to handle when things get really busy. Also, learn to know when to spend money on your business. In the early days of my business I spent some unnecessary money on things that didn’t really add any value to my business. To avoid this research and talk to others about what you really need and what worked and didn’t work for them.

Whats the key to keeping your career and home life in balance?

I think most working mums, those running their own business and those who are not, will tell you there is no magic formula to balancing career and home. In my case I could always do better. For me when my son is not at preschool and we are home together, I really try to not focus too much on work and give him my full attention. Sometimes that is hard. I think it’s about doing the best you can and not being too hard on yourself if you don’t get the balance right some weeks. It’s a work in progress.

What would you say to others thinking about becoming a Mumpreneur?

Make sure you are truly passionate and in love with what you plan to do. When things get tough (and they will at times), it is that passion in your product or the service you provide that will get you through. For me bringing FuelBox to Australia was something I couldn’t not do; you have to trust in yourself when you have those very clear ‘yes’ moments. Also don’t be afraid to ask for help or employ help in areas you don’t feel as confident about. Seek out people who you connect with and who share your passion for what you do. Collaboration is also a great thing.

The Carousel

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.


By The Carousel The Carousel has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.



The Carousel
