If 2022 taught us anything, it’s that clean indoor air is every bit as important as the air quality outside of the office/home/shopping centre/restaurant. In fact, clean indoor air is frequently more important that the quality of air outside your front door, according to a recent study of air pollution, published by The World Health Organisation (WHO).
The 2018 study reported that at least seven million people die each year as a result of exposure to both indoor and outdoor air pollution, or rather, “exposure to fine particles in polluted air that lead to diseases such as stroke, heart disease, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and respiratory infections, including pneumonia.”
An important finding of this report was that clean indoor air, or rather lack of it, is associated with air pollution, and that it needs be addressed in both first and third world countries. This covers everything from how we prepare our food, to how we heat our homes and the products we use on our clothes or in our cleaning.
It also cover something we rarely think about unless it’s in plain sight – mould.
How Mould Can Affect Your Health
The Who Guidelines for indoor air quality: dampness and mould (2009) state that a leading factor in poor indoor air quality is mould. Often, people are not aware of how quickly mould can grow in the home and the harmful health effects it then causes for those who are living with mould in their environment. Sometimes you can’t even see that it’s there. However, its spores can be everywhere.
SanAir mould stop from BSTV on Vimeo.
If you have any kind of water damage in your home, such as a drip, flood or a leaking pipe, this can lead to mould growth in as little as 24-48 hours. Mould grows very quickly in wet or moist environments, so it’s important to clean up any leaking water and prevent it from growing or spreading as soon as possible. Mould’s a bit of a scourge, to say the least. Did you know that each year, mould destroys more wood around the world than all the fires and termites combined?
Mould contamination is far more common than we think
It’s estimated that least 45 million buildings in the US have unhealthy levels of mould. Well, with Australia’s humid and tropical climate in our highly-populated coastal areas, we are particularly susceptible to mould growth as well.
Even if your home is safe, who knows if you’re breathing in mould spores at your office or gym? Mould is often hard to find and can remain hidden behind a wall, in the ceiling or under carpet for years.
Getting rid of mould by professionals can often often expensive and the price can soar into the tens of thousands if the problem is severe. While mould removal is difficult and expensive, it’s worth it because the long-term health consequences can be even more costly.
What is mould illness like?
Biotoxin illness, or mould illness, is quite common. If you’re living in a home with a mould infestation, mycotoxins from the mould usually spread to other parts of your home, as well especially any textiles you have such as curtains, lounges, beds and clothes.
These mycotoxins can affect your immune system severely and lead to health conditions like allergies, hypersensitivity, respiratory problems (asthma, wheezing, coughing) and some other serious conditions such as memory loss, depression, anxiety and reproductive problems.
Mould can impact more than just our respiratory system – it can even cause serious psychological issues like memory loss and depression.
What are we doing about mould illness?
In Australia, the identification and indeed diagnosis of mould illness seems to be slower than other parts of the world, simply as many of our doctors and medical profession don’t have the necessary training yet to identify this condition.
A 2019 Parliamentary Inquiry into biotoxin illness recognised the disease, but the training and expertise to handle this illness is still developing.
However globally, the lack of recognition of mould illness still occurs. Dr Scott McMahon MD from Roswell in New Mexico specialises in mould related illness. He said in 2017: “Possibly every doctor in the United States is treating mould illness and they just don’t realise it.”
Clean Indoor Air is vital for improving indoor air quality
If you can smell a musty or mouldy smell in your home or work environment, it can signify mould.
- Have professional mould company to assess it.
You may think you can’t see any mould but if you can smell it, there’s every chance there’s some it’s hiding somewhere. - Reach for natural solutions.
San Air’s natural plant-based product helps to control bacteria – including mould – in the air. It helps to provide clean indoor air. It was created by the ex-head of a pharmaceutical company, using only plant-based ingredients. San-Air is blended to produce microbial reduction properties at low dosage. In other words, you won’t know it’s working, but you’ll enjoy the clean indoor air!
This post was last modified on 28/06/2022 7:41 pm