Finance Expert Barbara Turley Tells You How To Be A Conscious Spender

We are all told to save more, spend less and budget harder yet so many of us fail miserably at these pursuits. Why is that? Well it’s a bit like being told to eat your veggies as a kid. It might be good for you but it’s just no fun! Just like eating your veggies results in a stronger, healthier and happier you in the long run saving and budgeting result in a wealthier, healthier and more free you in the long run too.

But note how both depend on the long run? It’s human nature to favour immediate gratification over ‘the long run’. We can’t help it. We’re just born that way. So how do we make what’s ‘good for us’ also feel energising and fun?

In this video I tell you how to become a truly conscious spender and leave the boring saving and budgeting treadmill behind.

About Barbara 

Barbara Turley is the founder of Energise Wealth. She uses the insight she’s gained from 15 years of experience trading for some of the world’s largest investment banks to help women get on the path to what she calls “true” wealth – the point at which your money is working for you, and not the other way around.

‘Barbara’s vision for women and wealth is electrifying, contagious and exciting. Work like this sparks great movements. She is a true leader’, New York Timesbest selling author Karen Salmansohn.

For more truely wealthy tips and advice visit Barbara’s website

Barbara Turley

Barbara Turley is an angel investor, a wealth strategist and the founder of Energise Wealth – a wealth strategy and coaching business for female entrepreneurs who want to get their money pumping to fuel their life vision and feel more alive. During her 15-year financial markets career she was a trader for some of the world’s largest investment banks, successfully traded her own money, managed relationships with some of Australia’s largest wealth management businesses and became a major shareholder in a $3 billion asset management business and several other high growth companies. She is also an adventure lover and a self confessed idea junkie with a passion for inspiring women to step into their power, overcome their resistance to money and embrace it as the ultimate tool designed to enable our greatest visions.

This post was last modified on 13/07/2016 9:50 am

Barbara Turley: Barbara Turley is an angel investor, a wealth strategist and the founder of Energise Wealth – a wealth strategy and coaching business for female entrepreneurs who want to get their money pumping to fuel their life vision and feel more alive. During her 15-year financial markets career she was a trader for some of the world’s largest investment banks, successfully traded her own money, managed relationships with some of Australia’s largest wealth management businesses and became a major shareholder in a $3 billion asset management business and several other high growth companies. She is also an adventure lover and a self confessed idea junkie with a passion for inspiring women to step into their power, overcome their resistance to money and embrace it as the ultimate tool designed to enable our greatest visions.
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