Bulk Buying – Savvy Insider Secrets To Keeping Hundreds Of Dollars In Your Pocket

As a passionate shopper, I must admit I love a bargain.  With the way Aussie retail is evolving, there is more choice and so many fabulous ways to save money.  

For the best savings it is key to plan and know when and how to take advantage of sales.  Let’s discuss how to leverage the best bulk buying strategies so you can bank the cash.

What do I need to know about buying in bulk?

When considering buying in bulk it doesn’t necessary mean you should rush to a wholesaler or warehouse.  You can effectively buy in bulk anywhere you find a great price on an item – just buy lots of it.

To get prepared there are just a couple of things you should research.  Firstly, knowing the price per unit of the item helps you measure the savings. For example if I normally buy 1 kilo of washing powder at $10 and I see a 25kilo tub for $99 that is a $151 saving and well under half price. Secondly, make sure you have the storage space for your purchases or you have a plan to share the bounty with family and friends.  I admit I have been carried away by a great buy and had a pantry full of canned tomatoes with little room for anything else.

What are the guidelines on what to buy?  

I break items into three sections.

  1. Items with a long shelf life.
  2. Items to be used within a specific period of time
  3. Items that are perishable but with the right storage will half your grocery spend.

Although the conventional wisdom is not to buy perishables I will break that rule under two circumstances.

  • I am sharing the perishables with friends for example ‘box of tomatoes’
  • I am using it to cook and preserve or freeze

I often see perishables for a great price and I buy them and cook up a storm.  Tomatoes and other fruit are fabulous for cooking and freezing into sauces, jams etc.

What are my favourite items that store well due to shelf life;

  • Cleaning products – my favourite is washing powder as it is a constant, expensive and will last well stored.  I also love buying dishwashing liquid, dishwasher tablets etc when they on sale.
  • Vitamins and health supplements – these are also very expensive full price and generally have a long shelf life.  Protein powders, fish oil, weight loss supplements and multivitamins have all been on sale of recent times due to fierce competition in this category.  Remember to check the use by date.
  • Pet products – this is an area I spend a lot of money and buying in bulk will half the bill.  Canned foods, biscuits and treats are intermittently on sales so pounce when you see a bargain.  Online pet supply sellers also have some stunning pricing so don’t just check out Costco or the supermarkets.

What Items to use in a specific period or that are perishable?  

For these last two areas there is no doubt one of the best places to head is to the markets. A quick trip to Paddy’s will save a bundle not just for Christmas but all year.

I prefer to buy the farm fresh foods and freeze them myself than to buy frozen vegies, fruit or seafood in a supermarket and not know where it has been sourced.

I love to head to the market find a great price on seasonal fruit and vegies and leave with trays of fabulous produce.

When you do this in regular intervals you soon find you only need to top up on specifics as you have a full fridge and freezer with your favourite foods from recent conquests.

This is the best of both worlds – premium quality foods and dramatically discounted prices. I save well over 50% on what my normal weekly shopping would cost and have spectacular premium quality food.

No doubt my favourite bulk buys particularly for this time of year is for meat and seafood. Chat to the market butcher about buying in bulk. They will do the cuts you want and the savings are fabulous.

With seafood being on most Aussie families Christmas menu I recommend to head to the market, buy fresh tray of seafood and freeze it ready for the holiday celebrations rather than have the hassle at Christmas sourcing fresh seafood. My life is busy and avoiding driving in the holiday madness the day before Christmas I can live without. Market seafood is fresh and freezes beautifully. Speak to your favourite fishmonger for bulk deals.

I am often asked what sort of money can be saved by bulk buying. My friends and clients all quote at least 30 – 50% savings on their groceries and that adds up to hundreds and hundreds of dollars a week. Not to mention the time you save not having to go to the supermarket constantly.

Paddys have an app to make zooming through the market a breeze. Head to the app store to check for your local market smart phone apps.

For more on saving money head to www.facebook.com/savvyshopaholic or Jo’s website www.savvyshopaholic.com.au

Head to Paddy’s Markets for all your bargains!
Jo Munro

Jo Munro is best known as The Savvy Shopaholic with the tag line 'Shop More, Save More'. She is The Carousel's resident shopping expert and a regular TV presenter on Ch9's Today Show and A Current Affair. In Jo's book The Savvy Shopaholic, she shares over 20 years of savvy shopping expertise, business wisdom and channel management with those who want to turn their shopping skills into cash. Much loved for her luxe for less shopping tips and wide-brimming smile, she's always keen to share her passion for shopping and savvy tips to get the most out of your dollar.

This post was last modified on 09/12/2016 1:22 pm

Jo Munro: Jo Munro is best known as The Savvy Shopaholic with the tag line 'Shop More, Save More'. She is The Carousel's resident shopping expert and a regular TV presenter on Ch9's Today Show and A Current Affair. In Jo's book The Savvy Shopaholic, she shares over 20 years of savvy shopping expertise, business wisdom and channel management with those who want to turn their shopping skills into cash. Much loved for her luxe for less shopping tips and wide-brimming smile, she's always keen to share her passion for shopping and savvy tips to get the most out of your dollar.
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