Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s Moving Tribute To Her Husband – “Dave Was My Rock”

Behind one of the world’s most powerful and influential women, Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg was her “rock” – husband David Goldberg – until he tragically died in an accident last week. Here, we share her powerfully moving eulogy to her husband and the “supportive and equal partnership” they shared for 11 years.

The memorial service for Goldberg was an emotional occasion for the hundreds of friends, family and prominent Silicon Valley executives who attended to pay their respects to the 47 year old CEO of SurveyMonkey (a commercial service for online polls). In a sudden accident, Goldberg slipped while exercising on a treadmill and struck his head fatally, while on family vacation in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

U2 front man Bono sang to an audience at the memorial that included, film director George Lucas, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, LinkedIn’s CEO, Jeff Weiner, Hewlett-Packard’s chief executive, Meg Whitman, tech investor Reid Hoffman, Yelp chief executive, Jeremy Stoppelman, and PayPal’s Max Levchin.

Among the many tributes, President Barack Obama also posted his thoughts and sympathies on The White House Facebook page saying; “said: “His (Goldberg’s) skills as an entrepreneur created opportunity for many; his love for his family was a joy to behold, and his example as a husband and father was something we could all learn from.”

Sandberg herself shared her emotional and moving tribute to her late husband after the service at Stanford University’s Memorial Auditorium saying;

“We had 11 truly joyful years of the deepest love, happiest marriage, and truest partnership that I could imagine.”

 Sandberg & Goldberg on their wedding day 

In her 2013 book “Lean In”, Sandberg used her own relationship to discuss the challenges faced by women in the workplace all over the world and the type of equal and supportive partnership she shared with her husband as a cornerstone of conquering this.

Here’s the full eulogy that was posted on Sandberg’s Facebook page

“I want to thank all of our friends and family for the outpouring of love over the past few days. It has been extraordinary – and each story you have shared will help keep Dave alive in our hearts and memories.

I met Dave nearly 20 years ago when I first moved to LA. He became my best friend. He showed me the internet for the first time, planned fun outings, took me to temple for the Jewish holidays, introduced me to much cooler music than I had ever heard.

We had 11 truly joyful years of the deepest love, happiest marriage, and truest partnership that I could imagine … He gave me the experience of being deeply understood, truly supported and completely and utterly loved – and I will carry that with me always. Most importantly, he gave me the two most amazing children in the world.

Dave was my rock. When I got upset, he stayed calm. When I was worried, he said it would be ok. When I wasn’t sure what to do, he figured it out. He was completely dedicated to his children in every way – and their strength these past few days is the best sign I could have that Dave is still here with us in spirit.

Dave and I did not get nearly enough time together. But as heartbroken as I am today, I am equally grateful. Even in these last few days of completely unexpected hell – the darkest and saddest moments of my life – I know how lucky I have been. If the day I walked down that aisle with Dave someone had told me that this would happen – that he would be taken from us all in just 11 years – I would still have walked down that aisle. Because 11 years of being Dave Goldberg’s wife, and 10 years of being a parent with him is perhaps more luck and more happiness than I could have ever imagined. I am grateful for every minute we had.

As we put the love of my life to rest today, we buried only his body. His spirit, his soul, his amazing ability to give is still with it. It lives on in the stories people are sharing of how he touched their lives, in the love that is visible in the eyes of our family and friends, in the spirit and resilience of our children. Things will never be the same – but the world is better for the years my beloved husband lived.”

Images from Sandberg’s Facebook Page

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Yvette Le Grew

Yvette Le Grew is the former Online Editor of The Australian Women’s Weekly, former Head of Digital Content at Westfield & freelance fashion, travel, health & lifestyle writer for titles across the UK, Asia and Australia. Yvette now contributes 'at large' for thecarousel.com.

This post was last modified on 05/01/2016 11:35 am

Yvette Le Grew: Yvette Le Grew is the former Online Editor of The Australian Women’s Weekly, former Head of Digital Content at Westfield & freelance fashion, travel, health & lifestyle writer for titles across the UK, Asia and Australia. Yvette now contributes 'at large' for thecarousel.com.
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