Young Entrepreneur’s Guide To Being a Girl Boss

Young Entrepreneur's Guide To Being a Girl Boss
The Carousel The Carousel has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

Sep 25, 2017

Women today are more empowered to be successful in their own field and they’re able to create something of their own. These women are passionate and they help as well other women by encouraging them to reach higher of their dreams and push harder.

Here’s a simple and straightforward guide on becoming a Girl Boss.

Be Authentic

When running your business whether it’s a start up or a large business, it’s essential to be authentic with everything you do & everyone you meet. If you are yourself & let people see your personality you will thrive.

Follow Your Passion

Launching, validating & then scaling a business is not an easy task so you’re going to need bucket loads of passion to stay on the roller coaster. When you are passionate about something it really does beam from you & other people want to be part of your journey too. Passion is really infectious and if you are pithing to someone it will shine through.


Use the power of collaboration to partner with other businesses who have a similar audience to you. Work with brands you feel will give value to your existing customers & deliver them an exciting collaboration. Collaboration is a very powerful way to grow your reach & organically grow your business.

Get a mentor

Mentors are very powerful at all stages of your entrepreneurial journey. Since launching my first business at 21 years old I always had business mentors. Mentors become your go-to when tackling hurdles & celebrating the wins – they’ll always have your back. If you have a dream mentor who you would love to meet, just reach out via social media. Finding the right mentor should come naturally & be someone you meet with once every few months.

Trust Your Gut

Always trust your gut with everything from new hires to big business decisions. If you trust your gut when making an important decision, you can never go wrong. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t just go with the flow & stand up for what you believe in.

The Carousel thanks Kath Purkis, CEO of Her Fashion Box for this article. 

The Carousel

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.


By The Carousel The Carousel has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.



The Carousel
