Helping The Hospitality Sector Navigate The COVID Storm

Hospitality sector
Emeric Brard

Lifestyle Writer

Jul 16, 2021

A favourite pastime in Australia is to enjoy a nice meal or go out for a coffee or drink with friends and family. But due to the recurring snap lockdowns and ever-changing rules and regulations surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia, many hospitality businesses have been left anxious and confused when it comes to being COVIDSafe and doing the right thing by their customers. On top of this, the constant bombardment of conflicting information from various sources has left many feeling fraught and fatigued.

To help hospitality venues navigate through this incredibly challenging time, (and allow more customers to dine out with confidence), Restaurant & Catering Association (R&CA), the national peak body for hospitality in Australia, has created a micro-credentials course that offers a lifeline to hospitality businesses when it comes to providing a central point of information on COVID safety processes for the industry.

R&CA represents over 48,000 cafes, restaurants and catering venues. Being experts in the industry, they offer training to thousands of hospitality professionals every year and are continuously working to improve practises across the board.

With the hope to inform, train and help businesses manage changes due to unexpected outbreaks in the state, R&CA has created an easy-to-learn course, to equip the hospitality industry and staff with the knowledge and understanding of how to remain compliant in COVIDSafe systems.

This innovative course does not come at a better time than now, we as people have the opportunity to get around more safely, knowing we are being educated on what’s safe and the best practices. With the help of R&CA, Australian hospitality businesses are encouraged to keep up-to-date with the latest COVIDSafe guidelines and continue adding to their knowledge of this ever-changing global pandemic. It is so important that the industry continues to be aware of the most recent documentation, processes and regulations on how to be COVIDSafe, including detailed information on the use of QR codes in venues, events and businesses.

With the help of this 1-hour course, businesses can ensure their staff gain their accreditation in a FREE, quick and convenient way – how could you pass up that opportunity?! While most courses have a general pass rate of 80%, R&CA understands the severity of the pandemic and believes that the 20% could be the difference between a COVIDSafe venue and a localised outbreak. If all Victorian businesses participated in this innovative course, the country would be so much closer to being experts in COVID safety – a future we all hope comes to life.

For more information on the micro-credential COVIDSafe Practises & Plans course and to register, head to the Restaurant and Catering Association website here.

Emeric Brard

Emeric Brard is a writer for The Carousel and Women LoveTech.


By Emeric Brard

Lifestyle Writer

Emeric Brard is a writer for The Carousel and Women LoveTech.



The Carousel
