Beauty Brand Helps Australia Reduce Carbon Footprint

Full credit to L’Oreal for joining forces with TerraCycle a global recycling expert to find new ways to recycle packaging that currently goes to landfill.

Initiatives like the launch of the Beauty Products Recycling Program across L’Oreal brands Garnier, L’Oreal Paris and Maybelline encourage consumers to change their habits, to collect their empty beauty products at home and send them to TerraCycle to be recycled, with L’Oreal Australian covering the costs of the program – brilliant!

If we just start to question everyday “what can I do to walk more lightly on the planet” than we can start to bring about sustainable changes that are beneficial to our community and the world at large.

Some countries like Singapore have introduced weekly “themed” solution days like Meat Free Monday and Package Free Friday, to encourage the individual to be part of the solution.

Recently I asked a group of leading environmental scientists at Exeter University in the UK, ‘What was the one key thing we could do to reduce our carbon footprint on the planet?’ 
Their response?

If each individual person could reduce their personal carbon footprint by 5% then we could put a break on the rate we are consuming our carbon credits this century.

That’s 5% of our electricity, gas, or petrol bills; reducing our car usage, walking or riding a bike, recycling where possible, hanging clothes out to dry in the sun, not eating meat one day a week, turning off electricity plugs when  not in use, only buying what you need, and recycling clothes with friends.

So, this program by L’Oreal in conjunction with TerraCycle Inc. is all about thinking big and knowing what a difference this could make to 21.1million tonnes of waste that is currently being sent to landfill in Australia each year.

Thanks to this program, and the team at L’Oreal, the beauty industry now has a chance to make a real difference and so do you too!

Buy L’Oreal, and recycle your empty beauty products at home by sending them to TerraCycle. Simply sign-up online at to receive a free shipping label.

directed Earth’s Survival and The Tipping Points of Climate Change, and is one of the winners of 100 Women of Influence awards in 2015.

Liz Courtney

Liz Courtney is a documentary maker and notably directed Earth’s Survival and the series The Tipping Points of Climate Change. She is a mother and social entrepreneur. Liz was one of the winners of 100 Women of Influence awards in 2015

This post was last modified on 01/07/2016 11:27 am

Liz Courtney: Liz Courtney is a documentary maker and notably directed Earth’s Survival and the series The Tipping Points of Climate Change. She is a mother and social entrepreneur. Liz was one of the winners of 100 Women of Influence awards in 2015
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