5 Reasons A Career In Community Services Might Be Right For You

5 Reasons A Career In Community Services Might Be Right For You
The Carousel The Carousel has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

Jun 28, 2017

More and more Australians are looking for work that’s not just a stable career pathway but that is fulfilling as well.

Millennials are known as the “purpose-driven generation”. They want careers that mean more than just a paycheque at the end of the day. Finding jobs that are both personally satisfying and financially rewarding is something that greater numbers of Australians are looking for.

Careers in community services are growing. The latest Department of Employment Labour Market information predicts that between 2015 and 2020 Australian job numbers in the community services sector will increase by 16.4%. That is a massive 250,200 additional positions that are going to need filling. A career in community services has never looked more secure.

Here are 5 great reasons a career in community services might be right for you:

1. People in community services love their jobs

If you ask community service workers why they enjoy their jobs so much, they will reply with phrases like ‘helping others’, ‘making a difference’ and ‘changing lives’. Altruism (the belief that the welfare of others is at least as important as your own welfare) doesn’t just make you feel good; it has a physical effect on your brain. Research suggests that there are three ways in which your brain benefits whenever you help someone else.

  • Stress related brain activity is reduced
  • Reward related brain activity is increased
  • Caregiving related activity is increased, giving feelings of greater well-being

By the time you’ve thrown in a bit of evolutionary theory, all indicators suggest that working in an industry that focuses on caring is going to be both good for you and good for society. There are however other benefits to having a career in community services: community care work is flexible, allows you to move around the country or the world if you wish to and is currently an area of growth in Australia.

2. Community services jobs are secure and future proof

If you enter the community services career sector now you will be taking a step into one of Australia’s current and ongoing boom areas. Both career opportunities and pay levels in community services are set to increase.

There are so many career paths to take, based on what your interests are. You might want to focus on youth work, counselling or social sciences. You can take your career into specialist areas such as drug and alcohol counselling and so much more.

Train your people skills with a career in Community services

3. Working in community services is a great way to use your people skills

Do people tell you that you’re a great listener? Do they come to you when they have a problem? If so then you’ll probably find that you already have the listening and empathy skills that are the main requirement for working in community services. As with all skills though, active listening and empathy can be learnt and there are other personal attributes such as the ability to organise yourself, read a social situation or be persuasive, that will stand you in good stead for a career in community services. If you’re not sure how your skillset fits in ask a careers expert for advice.

4. The community services sector offers a wide range of job options.

This rewarding sector offers opportunities at all levels in youth work, social welfare, family support, community services, early intervention and assessment. Quality training will give you the opportunity to look into these areas and decide which would best suit you.

Many people enter the area of community services because they have been through a rough patch in their own lives, and have benefited from the help of a community services professional. If you want to “give back” then beginning the path to a community services career is a great way to get started.

5. Stepping into a community services career is easier than you think

Maybe you’ve decided that you a good fit for a career in community services and you’d really like to make this your next career move. Whether you have a specific position in mind or not, a great way to start is to gain some qualifications. These days studying does not need to get in the way of your current job or home commitments.

There are many ways to go about this. Consider joining an accredited online course where you will get support and encouragement alongside the flexibility to study when it suits you. Upskilled is one of Australia’s biggest online education providers, and offering a range of community services courses at both bachelor and diploma level.

You should also take a look at the brand new Upskilled scholarship program. Each year Upskilled is giving away up to AUD $2,000 to help someone deserving with their education and training costs. Could this be you and could it be your next step to your dream career? Take the plunge into a more meaningful career pathway and help other people while building your own job prospects.

This is a sponsored post by Upskilled. All opinions expressed by the author are authentic and written in their own words.

The Carousel

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.


By The Carousel The Carousel has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.



The Carousel
