In today’s society and especially as women you can be compelled to want to do so much, thinking you have to do it all and when you fall short, you spend days on end beating yourself up!
As women, we are everything to everyone, mother, daughter, employee, sister, cook, cleaner, shoulder to cry on, best friend, sports woman and so much more!
It really is a never-ending list that can leave you feeling completely inadequate if you fall short and do not tick all the boxes which can leave you with toxic thoughts running through your head such as; you are not good enough, pretty enough, happy enough, healthy enough, slim enough or smart enough!
These thoughts on a physical level create actual stress in your body with excess cortisol (stress coping hormone) being released into your blood stream, simply because it perceives it is under attack…from your thoughts!
To become a healthier, happier version of yourself, is it essential to learn to love and accept yourself unconditionally as you are right now! Part of learning to love and accept yourself unconditionally is by showing yourself kindness, compassion and the act of self-love.
In the business of life there are so many things that can drain you of your energy and empty your tank. So it is so vital that you consciously take time to do things that give you energy and fill up your tank from the inside out!
So ladies….it is your time to relax into life, celebrate yourself and all your imperfections exactly the way you are! After all we are called “human BEING’s not human doings”.
Apart from nourishing your body with beautiful healthy foods, take the time to self-love in other ways….
Each day take the time to do something you love, that will restore your energy levels and fill up your tank. I personally love allocating the whole of my Sunday as my “Self-Loving Days”, where I only do the things I want to do that provide me with soulful, spirit lifting energy!
Some of my favourite ways to self-love are:
- Massage
- Hot bath with candles
- Reading a book
- Cooking a delicious healthy meal straight from the heart
- Watching a movie
- Meditation
- Going for a light walk with my dog
- Yoga
- Sitting in the sun and just breathing!
- Burning some incense and writing down the life I want to create
- Listening to music
- Practicing affirmations such as “I love and accept myself” or “I am in the process of positive changes”
- Drawing, painting, just being creative
- Afternoon naps
This post was last modified on 07/07/2016 5:06 pm