Why Everything’s Better Since My World Turned Upside Down

Why Everything’s Better Since My World Turned Upside Down1
Jo Harvey-Graham

Sep 26, 2016

I’ve tried yoga many times. Don’t get me wrong; I think the benefits are incredible. It’s great for both mind and body.

However, for someone like myself who is extremely hyperactive, an hour of silence and light movement drives me batty.

My brain does not go quiet. The moves, while they can be hard and challenging, just don’t keep my silly little mind quiet.

It wanders off to what I’m having for dinner; what outfit I’m going to wear tomorrow; does my ass look big in this position? Please don’t let Alex win The Bachelor; is that bliss ball really healthy? Did Kim Kardashian really wear that G-string in public? I mean, what on earth was she thinking? Yep – there really is no getting out of my head.

Why Everything’s Better Since My World Turned Upside Down5
Jo quickly gets the hang of things at anti-gravity yoga.

I’ve tried, seen many a professional and unfortunately I am just not one of those beautiful hippy little butterflies that can connect with their inner-soul peace goddess.

After suffering though a standard yoga class with my continual banter, and flatulence-induced laughter, my despairing friend suggested we get our butts off to the anti-gravity variety instead.

An hour of hanging upside down, manoeuvring and contorting my body in the air was a fascinating thought.

Now this was an hour of money well spent. We paid for a private session (I mean, who wants to make a fool out of themselves in a group of people), and it was the best money I have ever forked out.

Why Everything’s Better Since My World Turned Upside Down2

I was concentrating so hard on not falling off, that my mind didn’t have a chance to wander anywhere.

At last, an hour of inner-piece, with no nagging voices – hell, I would have paid double for that!

I was like a monkey, up and down those silks, swinging away happily. It was pure bliss. I’m sure in a previous life I must have been a chimpanzee.

It was hard, but that was part of the fun. It was challenging and relaxing at the same time.

Why Everything’s Better Since My World Turned Upside Down3

I left wanting to be upside down more. I was buzzing, felt like I was walking on air. I applaud Christopher Harrison, a former gymnast and Broadway choreographer who invented this.

I could kiss the very ground he walks on – upside down if he’d prefer.

In a nutshell, anti-gravity is a series of exercises inspired by yoga, Pilates, calisthenics and aerial acrobatics in a hammock-like apparatus – this gives you a total body workout.

I was sore the next day, which was wonderful – it worked. I had worked muscles I never thought I had, I enjoyed it and was looking forward to going again the next week. I’ve found my exercise mojo.

I’m an anti-gravity convert. Look out Cirque du Soleil – I’m coming for ya!

It is worth it? – yes, every cent and more. I sleep really well on the night after a class.

Does it work? – yes, it works to de-stress, firm and strengthen your body and increases flexibility, it’s also great for those with back issues.

Is it for everyone? – most people can do this, but with anything, especially new exercise you must check with your health professional first. If you are pregnant this is not recommended for you, if you have prior medical issues, please consult a professional.

What’s the cost? – I would recommend an introduction class first, one-on-one. These run for around an hour and are great for first timers. Approximate cost is $110. Group sessions are a lot cheaper. Check out www.beyoundfitnessaustralia.com.au for more information.

Jo Harvey-Graham

A one-time colleague of The Carousel's publisher Robyn Foyster while they worked together at New Idea, Jo has been in publishing for most of her working life. She ran a successful boutique media publishing house in New Zealand for several years and boasts an impeccable sales, marketing and management background. When she’s not road-testing the latest cosmetic procedures, or investigating the hottest lifestyle, fashion and beauty trends, Jo is invariably sunning herself in tropical climes, back home in NZ catching up with family and friends, or working on her golf swing!


By Jo Harvey-Graham

A one-time colleague of The Carousel's publisher Robyn Foyster while they worked together at New Idea, Jo has been in publishing for most of her working life. She ran a successful boutique media publishing house in New Zealand for several years and boasts an impeccable sales, marketing and management background. When she’s not road-testing the latest cosmetic procedures, or investigating the hottest lifestyle, fashion and beauty trends, Jo is invariably sunning herself in tropical climes, back home in NZ catching up with family and friends, or working on her golf swing!



The Carousel
