The Year’s First Supermoon in Free-Spirited Aquarius Set to Light Up the Night Sky: But Beware of Bottled-up Emotions

Supermoon horoscopes
Rose Smith


Aug 20, 2024

A special lunar event is on its way… with the year’s first Supermoon set to light up the night sky on August 20th. And to add to the spectacle – the full moon is also a Seasonal Blue Moon and a Sturgeon Moon!

But amid the visual treat, beware, because the moon will be appearing in the ‘water bearer’ star sign Aquarius.

We can expect bottled-up emotions to surface in overreactions… Supermoons really are full moons on steroids, and  these suppressed Aquarian feelings could amplify in a similar way if we’re not careful.

While free-spirited Aquarians are known for being somewhat detached from their emotional state, during this full moon they could be seeking liberation from any constraints or restrictions. This may manifest in people blowing things out of proportion or being inappropriate.

Supermoons are also associated with flooding and earth changes, and we may feel similar turbulent effects internally; our emotions will be in overdrive!

Watch out for yourself and do something nurturing by managing your stress levels and trying not to take on too much – go for a quiet walk in nature.

Supermoons happen a couple of times per year when the full moon is at the closest point to earth during its orbit (its perigee) making it appear larger and brighter.

They generally occur when the centre of the moon is less than 360,000 kilometres from the centre of earth. Because it’s so close to earth, a full Supermoon looks up to 16% brighter and is 7% bigger than an average full moon.

While the spiritual effects of the Supermoon as a whole will be felt by everyone, because this one appears in Aquarius – Aquarians and other fixed mode star signs Taureans, Leos and Scorpios can expect to experience its force most.

Generally fixed mode signs are not very flexible, so they could be more heavily impacted by this moon.

More turbulence can be expected, as Aquarius is ruled by Uranus where volatility, rebelliousness and shocking happenings occur, especially if there are corresponding influences in a person’s chart.

Aquarians spend a lot of time in the mental realms, carrying and thinking about deep-seated emotions.

It’s important to finalise emotional or subconscious business by nurturing your intuition and emotions.

A full moon always brings some form of transformation for everyone and as Aquarius is co-ruled by Saturn (ancient ruler) and Uranus (modern ruler), Aquarians and Capricorns could feel this most.

Stubbornness can be expected, and people may really dig their toes into the ground over an issue, and we could have unreasonable arguments with others – particularly Taureans, who are well known for their stubborn opinions.

Adding further lunar complexity, the moon will also be a Blue Moon, but it won’t be blue in colour!

In astrological terms, a Blue Moon refers to the second full moon within a single calendar month – but this full moon is a “Seasonal” Blue Moon, because there are four full moons in the three-month season between June Solstice and the September Equinox.

According to this lesser-known definition of a Blue Moon this month, the full moon is the third in the series of four full moons. 

We usually only get a Blue Moon every two or three years… hence the term, once in a blue moon.

Every full moon also has its own name based on the month or the season in which it appears –allowing people to reflect on each season and contemplate how it affects them and the natural world.

In namesake, this full moon is also a Sturgeon Moon and is related to prehistoric fish once abundant this time of year in the Great Lakes region in America.

And if there wasn’t enough happening in the skies, the Perseid Meteor Shower reached its peak between August 13th and 14th, just a few days before the first Supermoon.

The Perseid Meteor Shower and the building supermoon are vying for our energetic attention.

The feminine energy of the Supermoon is battling with the masculine energy of the Perseids – so we can expect unpredictable changes, volatility and unrest.

Watch out for arguments between the ‘sexes’ because the Perseids is associated with Perseus who killed the rape victim Medusa and then the feminine Supermoon is also thrown into this mix.

The Perseids Meteor Shower is our yearly reminder that women need to keep their heads, speak up and think independently, especially this month.

When can you see this month’s Supermoon?

The Supermoon will reach its peak at 4.25am AEST on Tuesday, August 20th, but you’ll be best to see it in the night sky.

Supermoon horoscopes

Aries (March 21 to April 19): The Full Moon and Pluto encourage you to make radical changes in your hopes and dreams. You may be forced to look at the practicality of your desires and ambitions. Alternatively, there could be some sort of shake up with friends, groups and associates. Differences in opinion could now rise to the surface and you will likely reflect on the people you meet and re-evaluate certain relationships. It’s an innovative time too… so do allow yourself to consider some out-of-the-box relationship ideas. Perhaps detachment is your idea of relief, and this is ok too! You’re bound to be doing a lot of thinking this month which is a good thing as you can more easily avoid impulsiveness. Be open now to change.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20): Taurus it’s an innovative time now in terms of your career and reputation. You may be spending a lot of time on social media… is it worth it? Perhaps you can now find new ways to interact online that are shorter, easier or more effective? Consider changing platforms or apps. Your career ambitions may surge ahead with the introduction of new technology also. Aquarius Full Moon is encouraging you to go for it and think in a more scientific or logical manner whilst still feeling your emotions. It’s not really the best time for too much detachment now. Relationships with authority figures such as employers or parents could also go through some unexpected events, so think carefully about the issue at hand before responding.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20): This Aquarian Full Moon may give you a nudge towards exciting adventure and growing your horizons. The world is a big place, and you need to find your place in it now. Perhaps higher education, travel or spirituality is on your mind as you try to find the sweet spot in life. It’s quite possible that exotic places or communications with those in far off distant lands may have more appeal to you now. There’s bound to be a lot to think about now as you decide how to change your life. You may see another side to life you want to investigate more fully now. Learning and growing is on your agenda and even if you’re not sure of your direction, make a start and things will become clearer. Watch for miscommunications now.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22): You may desire closeness with another very much now, but perhaps you are not sure that feeling vulnerable is worth the risk? The chance for emotional intimacy could come knocking at your door but will you let your guard down? This Aquarian Full Moon could try and influence you to remain somewhat detached, however is this wise? So many questions with so few answers when thinking about these issues! Basically, there’s only one way to find out… little by little have a try at revealing what you really want with another. There’s no need to go overboard but putting yourself out there just a little bit could be worth a try. Alternatively, there’s a possible shake up with shared resources – taxes, inheritances, wills, superannuation, real estate, investments for example. 

Leo (July 23 to August 22): You may depend heavily on your closest relationships and partnerships right now. Women can be especially important in your life too. This Aquarian Full Moon however may also encourage you to be a little more independent and not rely so heavily on these relationships. Consequently, you could feel slightly conflicted about what to do… don’t rush into any decisions now. You have plenty of time to find the balance of independent autonomy versus relationship compromise. It’s probably not a matter of either/or. It’s rather balance that needs to be sought. Consider the feelings of those close to you in whatever decisions you end up making. Any legal matters at foot, also need similar consideration.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22): This Aquarian Full Moon may shake up your feelings of rebelliousness or independence in your normal everyday life. If you’re working, you might feel like throwing in the towel and finding something more interesting. Or perhaps you just need more freedom from something… anything. Change up your daily routine, do something different now as your subconscious is releasing suppressed emotions that have been down inside you for too long. Consider changing your routines, your work, and anything to do with your health or wellbeing. Maybe it’s time for a new diet or exercise regime. If you don’t like exercise, then consider ‘movement’. Try and get some time in nature or perhaps a new pet could be on your mind too! Watch for miscommunications and misunderstandings this month.

Libra (September 23 to October 22): Your creativity is likely to be on fire and you could have many ideas and communications about expressing this. You have Neptune and Pluto also aiding a rebirth of new ideas, some of which might have spiritual inclinations. Do be cautious with Mercury retrograde however that your ideas are not misunderstood or perhaps even challenged. Entertainment, leisure and pleasure could be on your agenda now too and with this comes the possibility of romance if you’re interested. Allow yourself to play a little this month, you deserve some fun in your life! It’s an exciting time for you generally, despite possible miscommunications and delays. Children may feature more strongly, or at the very least – your own inner child wants more attention and fun!

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21): Home and family matters could be a bit turbulent now. You may have to balance these responsibilities with your career or perhaps an authority figure like a parent. With Mercury Retrograde, miscommunications or misunderstandings are likely especially regarding career matters. Put everything important in writing. Do be especially careful on social media that you don’t overshare or miscommunicate as some people are bound to take it the wrong way. At home or with family some sort of metamorphosis could be highlighted by this Aquarian Full Moon. You could find innovative ways to deal with renovations or other transformational changes. Ultimately, larvae turn into butterflies, so it could be very beneficial in the long run even if there are difficulties in the short term.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21): Mercury Retrograde is having some fun in your communications zone, but it mightn’t be much fun for you! Ensure you put everything important in writing now. It’s not the best time for signing contracts or travelling either. However, it is a great time to complete anything you started prior to July 28th. Ok, take a deep breath and go slowly and thoughtfully towards your goal. There’s no need to rush into decisions. Your ruler Jupiter conjunct Mars is putting the pressure on important relationships, so just slow down a tad and think. This Aquarian Full Moon can give you innovative ideas about solving problems. You could come up with out-of-the-box ideas now that give you the answers you need. All will be well.

Capricorn (December 22nd to January 19): Your finances could be subject to unpredictable changes; they may be positive or negative but why take a chance now? It’s not a great time for spending, it’s a better time to save some money for a rainy day. Be cautious in all matters financial. This is also the case for your possessions and your values about money. You might find your belief systems about money are changing and perhaps, there are some things in life that are even more important? The Full Aquarian Moon could encourage some innovative investments but again there’s potential risk. Mercury Retrograde is likely to challenge you if intend to invest time and energy into shared resources or even intimate matters. Watch for miscommunications and put everything in writing.

Aquarius (January 20th to February 18): The Full Moon in your sign shines on your innovative and unpredictable nature! You’re now being encouraged to present your ideas more fully to the world. Is it ready for you? Maybe not, but you need to grow and express yourself now. You’re likely to be perceived in a new light as you approach the world with progressive new ideas. Your important partners, both business and personal may notice these changes in you and it could take a little adjustment on their part. That’s ok, because you’re being more authentic and aligned to your inner nature. In significant relationships, compromise on small things that don’t bother you much but do stick to your guns on matters that are integral to your independence. You may make some appearance or identity changes now.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20): This Aquarian Full Moon is probably shaking up your subconscious with interesting dreams and little subconscious ‘flashes’ through your day. Pay attention to these little insights as your subconscious is giving you messages that could help you. It’s quite a spiritual time now and you may have rather unconventional and perhaps even groundbreaking ideas. Your creativity could be burning on all cylinders now, so take advantage of any opportunities that present. Have some time out to yourself and write down your feelings and inclinations. If you can isolate away for a short time in nature, you might find this a great investment in terms of motivation and creativity. Try to do so even if your daily routine, work or wellbeing suggests otherwise.

For August video horoscopes, visit


By Rose Smith


Rose Smith is a leading Australian spiritualist with more than 20 years’ professional experience working as a psychic, spiritual healer and teacher, and intuitive astrologer. Rose currently runs Absolute Soul Secrets.



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