Tell The One’s You Love How Special They Are This Mother’s Day

A pandemic brings out the best and the worst in people. It makes us connect and also allows people to easily disconnect from others. Now more than ever we need to be conscious about our relationships, we need to let those important to us know how much we love and care about them and look to support each other through the hard times.

While we may all be getting bogged down in thoughts and the push to end isolation and get ‘back to normal’, we still need to stop and take time to consider how we continue to behave and interact with others during this time.

Mother’s Day is just around the corner and this year the holiday is being impacted like it never has been before in most of our lifetimes. A day which is often dedicated to celebrating mums and grandmothers, surrounding them with their family and loved ones is now unable to happen the way we might be used to but it is actually more important than ever to ensure a celebration is made in dedication to mum.  

For many they are the rock and centre of the universe, Mum keeps our worlds spinning in the most chaotic of times, but for many Mums they may be experiencing more anxiety surrounding the impacts of the pandemic on their families than what they are letting on. They often shoulder the burden of stress with ease, but in unprecedented times like this even mums can’t be sure how to proceed at every turn.

It can be even more unsettling for mothers and grandmothers of retirement age, as they are part of the higher-risk category for COVID-19. Their own mortality is called into the spotlight and they are being isolated without contact or engagement from those who they value most and hold so dear. The elderly often makes up a big portion of those who suffer from depression and loneliness off the back of isolation – their mobility and physical health and wellbeing can cause issues which means they are reliant on others at the best of times, let alone in these difficult circumstances.

Recently we’ve seen the elderly in some of their most vulnerable states – unable to buy basic necessities due to the panic shopping and lack of consideration shown to them by others. Don’t let them suffer again because of selfishness in the pandemic.

How we celebrate Mother’s Day this year may look a little different to normal, but it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t go ahead.

Research from eharmony shows this pandemic has impacted almost forty per cent of Mother’s Day plans for Australians. That’s nearly half of the population who suddenly need to rethink how they go about making Mother’s Day special this year.

Virtual calls are becoming something of the norm and fortunately the ease of use across smartphones, even the elderly are able to enjoy this way of getting some face to face time safely and responsibly. Fortunately, twenty-five per cent of Aussies who celebrate Mother’s Day will be switching to video calls, to ensure their celebrations still go ahead.

The beauty of video calls is that they are more intimate than phone calls and allow for mums and their families to properly tap into how they’re feeling. A video call can go a long way, especially for mothers and grandmothers isolated from their families for many months due to their age and health.

Economically we are struggling, the dark cloud of uncertainty is hanging low so gift giving may be taking a back seat for a while, but now more than ever is a great time to test those creative skills. Sometimes the effort alone is enough for Mum, no matter how the finished product looks she is just grateful you tried.

I think most interestingly from the eharmony research was that forty per cent of Aussies don’t purchase gifts for mum on Mother’s Day and fifteen per cent don’t believe they need to tell their mum they love her on Mother’s Day because she ‘already knows’.

Gift-giving is one thing, but I think now more than ever it is so important to be telling our loved ones how much they mean to us. A simple expression of the emotion doesn’t cost anything yet delivers so much to the people we love. Mums are often the unsung hero for the most part, but Mother’s Day is when we take the time to acknowledge just how important our mum is and what she does do for us. While they may appear strong on the outside, like all humans – they need to be told how loved they are. So if there’s one thing that I encourage you to do this Mother’s Day, is to take the time to get in touch with your Mum. Pick up the phone, get on the video call, send a carrier pigeon if you have to – but just let her know you are thinking of her and you appreciate her. You’ll be surprised how good it makes you feel too…

The Carousel would like to thank Sharon Draper for her article.

The Carousel

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.

This post was last modified on 08/05/2021 11:17 am

The Carousel: The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.
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