If you want to date successfully staying on top of the trends and predictions is essential.
Dating in 2022 has had its challenges, depending on where you live, your occupation, your communication skills and your understanding of technology will determine how much or how little the new world of dating has impacted you. Likewise, how you’ve adapted to the changes will also dictate the likelihood of connecting with the right people and finding what you are ultimately looking for.
Let’s view the 5 trends and what you need to do to date successfully whether you are looking for a hook-up or hoping to meet your soulmate, best friend, lover and companion.
Online dating and dating apps usage have soared throughout 2020 – 2022and are predicted to continue record growths. Dating in lockdown has been made possible with the help of technology and the mass offering of dating platforms allows you to search and connect with 100s and 1000’s of potential matches.
Dating in 2022 requires a progressive mindset and willingness to embrace the current landscape. The way we meet and court has changed. We’ve transitioned from meeting organically IRL at parties, pubs, social events, through friends, work, etc to meeting online and setting up dates with a chosen few. We’ve now transgressed to a new era of not only connecting digitally but also dating digitally.
It’s never been easier to connect with people and the choice of dating apps and online options are expanding. Maybe you are actively dating, trying to meet your match, thinking about getting back into dating after a breakup or waiting for things to go back to normal. It’s important you understand the trends and use them to the best of your advantage.
How to date successfully in 2022 and beyond
Virtual dating is here to stay
Being able to have a great virtual date is just as important as the first date IRL. More people are using online dating apps and in the last 18 months, virtual dating has become normalised. Learn how to have great virtual dates or you could get left in the pre-covid dark.
- Your photo is more important than your looks
Looks matter when it comes to choosing a potential match. There is nothing new in the need to feel a physical attraction that motivates the desire to want to get to know someone. As you flick through the catalogue of never-ending potential matches you are drawn to the photo that stands out the most. It’s become a matter of who has the most eye-catching photo, and the competition is tough. With time on your hands capturing the perfect selfie and enhancing it to within an inch of its life might get you swipes or matches but how much of what you show is truly you? It is a short-term strategy that barely yields any real benefits. Being catfished, misled and having your time wasted with misrepresentation are amongst the biggest dating gripes of 2022. - Get comfortable with virtual datingBeing able to have a great virtual date is just as important as the first date IRL. More people are using online dating apps and in the last 18 months, virtual dating has become normalised. Learn how to have great virtual dates or you could get left in the pre-covid dark.
- Slow dating is making a comeback
What is slow dating? It’s when two people decide to spend more time getting to know each other and connecting on an emotional level before they decide to jump in the sack. Be respectful that many of your matches will want to approach dating this way and avoid messages that ask for sex or “booty calls” off the bat. Be clear about what you want, but don’t turn people off if you’re looking for a relationship that lasts.
- Your vaccination choices affect more than your health
Being transparent and upfront is admirable but when it comes to the topic of the jab it’s a need-to-know basis. You have your opinions and views just as everybody does but putting up another wall before you have even had a chance to get to know someone will not only limit your chances it will also create another divide.
- Fear of dating again FODA will
After being in lockdown for months (or more), many people are experiencing higher-than-normal levels of anxiety about going in public or meeting new people. If this is you, don’t push yourself to do anything you’re not comfortable with. Take it easy, and always take care of your needs first.
If someone you’re dating has FODA, be considerate and try to be supportive. Be aware of their challenge as you’re navigating how to date during lockdown.
This post was last modified on 06/02/2022 5:31 pm