Are You Open To ‘YES’? Watch This Inspiring TEDx Talk On The Power Of Saying That Little Word…

TEDx presenter and PR guru Catriona Pollard shares how being open to being open to ‘yes’ enables us to redefine the spotlight, understand we all deserve to be there and share our voice with the world. From Catriona’s own personal experience and from working with people making the transition from unknown to recognised expert, here is her quick guide to saying ‘yes’ and stepping into the spotlight.

Are You Open To ‘YES’?

Connect with your why
What is your deeper purpose? It takes courage to be truly seen and heard. And while we might want to have a desire to move into the spotlight, I believe it needs to have purpose.

Be of service
I believe we all have stories to tell that will help others in some way. The world needs to hear what you have to say. As soon as I realised that stepping into the spotlight wasn’t about me, it was about you, and what you take away from hearing my voice, it really helped me because I realised I was being of service.

Be yourself
Moving into the spotlight isn’t about changing your personality. It’s about allowing your true self to emerge from the shadows and being illuminated. It’s also about being brave enough to be vulnerable. When you are vulnerable you create connections with people because you are speaking your truth, and quite often it’s their truth as well.

Believe in your stories
We live in a world where we are encouraged to compare ourselves to others. As soon as we do this, we start living smaller lives. Your life is beautiful and precious. Your stories are valid, not matter how big or small.

And finally, it’s about being open to yes
Who are you not to shine your light? Who are you not to have a voice? Who are you not to make the world a better place? It’s not about becoming louder, it’s about becoming bolder. It’s about being open to yes. Yes is magic. Yes is illuminating. Yes can open up opportunities you never even dreamed of.

So I’ll leave you with a question. What are you going to say yes to today?

Be Open to ‘yes’

Watch Catriona’s TEDx talk below for a more in-depth session of inspiration. 

Catriona is the founder and director of CP Communications—one of Australia’s most respected and innovative PR and social media agencies. Her transformation to an international speaker, popular media commentator and leader of a highly successful Agency has been captured in her book, From Unknown To Expert,

    What do you think of Catriona’s TEDx talk? How are you going to say ‘yes’ today? Tell us below…

Yvette Le Grew

Yvette Le Grew is the former Online Editor of The Australian Women’s Weekly, former Head of Digital Content at Westfield & freelance fashion, travel, health & lifestyle writer for titles across the UK, Asia and Australia. Yvette now contributes 'at large' for

This post was last modified on 30/05/2016 4:37 pm

Yvette Le Grew: Yvette Le Grew is the former Online Editor of The Australian Women’s Weekly, former Head of Digital Content at Westfield & freelance fashion, travel, health & lifestyle writer for titles across the UK, Asia and Australia. Yvette now contributes 'at large' for
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