Hunter’s Supermoon Packs a Powerful Punch: Watch Out for Fierce and Firey Aries!

October horoscopes
Rose Smith


Oct 14, 2024

Emotions will be running high and some fierce fighting may be on the cards as October’s full moon in Aries lights up our night skies… and the lunar event will be packing extra punch because it’s a Supermoon and the biggest and brightest this year! 

Because the moon will appear in star sign Aries we can expect an extremely passionate vibe, but we should be wary as the fire sign’s energy may also lead to ferocious fights. 

This supermoon in Aries will shake up the well-balanced and peace-seeking energy of Libra season with its single-minded and determined vibe. 

Aries dives head-first into challenging situations or decision, so it’s a time to fight for what we want – whether that’s chasing our heart’s desires or following career goals. 

We can expect emotions to run high with breakthroughs or breakdowns… particularly when it comes to our love lives, but all of this signifies a need to embrace change and new possibilities as Aries brings with it transformation. 

But my hot tip during this time – get plenty of sleep and remember to think before you speak! 

This full moon is also the third of four supermoons in a row this year, so it will pack more potency and emotional charge than usual.  

It will be the closest supermoon of the year, which means the moon will be the biggest and brightest it has been (providing the conditions are optimal). 

A supermoon occurs when the full moon coincides with the moon being at the point in its orbit within 90% of its closest approach to Earth, called Perigee, usually within 360,000km.  

A closer full moon is more impactful in terms of its emotional and energetic effects.  

It’s a very transformative time for our star signs – but those most intensely affected this lunar cycle will be those influenced by other fire signs like Aries, being Leo and Sagittarius. 

Aries is also a Cardinal sign, so Cancer, Libra and Capricorns will be affected too. 

On the same day as this Supermoon, love planet Venus will enter Sagittarius – so it’s not all feisty news on the relationship front! 

Sagittarius is the zodiac’s adventurer, so relationships will be well served by trying something different with your partner – variety is the spice of life! 

Go away on a trip with a loved one and make time for each other, or if you’re single take a trip and you might meet someone. 

In the northern hemisphere, this full moon is called the Hunter’s Moon to mark the end of harvest season and the beginning of the hunting season. Hunters would use the light of the moon to track down game and stock up on meat for the impending long winter.  

The Supermoon will reach its peak at 10.26pm AEST on Thursday, October 17th.  

Hunter’s Supermoon horoscopes:  

Aries (March 21 to April 19): During this Super Aries Full Moon, it’s a powerful moment for diving deep into self-discovery and personal growth. You’re now being called towards independence and to let your individuality shine. If your emotions are running high, use that energy to take steps towards achieving your goals. Expect some waves in close relationships as your significant other adjusts to your newfound assertiveness. But don’t worry, this is a fantastic chance to express yourself and share your message with the world. You might also feel drawn to focus on your identity and appearance now. Why not treat yourself to a makeover or some new clothes! Embrace your true self and make the necessary changes towards getting yourself out into the world and building your personal power.  

Taurus (April 20 to May 20): This Full Moon lights up your spiritual side. Your dreams, meditations and day to day thoughts can be brimming with divine messages from your subconscious. While Pluto and the Sun might throw some challenges your way, however these are totally manageable. Some karma may show up however if you focus on what’s happening inside your own head, rather than the heads of others, you’ll be fine and shine!  Working through potential issues can give you some wins in the longer term if you trust your own intuition. You may meet an insightful woman who can shine some light on a gnarly situation for you. Also, journaling can be a great source of your own insights as well. Now is the time to be more assertive and independent. New opportunities are coming soon to take on the world! 

Gemini (May 21 to June 20): Woohoo, party! Well, it mightn’t feel exactly like this initially. The Full Moon is making hard aspects to your Pluto, the Sun and Mars forming a rare Grand Cardinal Cross. It’s best to try and slow down because there is a lot of emotional processing to be done, and you don’t need anything else to deal with. Around the 15th to 19th is peak crazy time, so do try to get plenty of rest then. Although initially challenging, you can work this so that silver linings come to the surface. Grab them all! However, you do also need some patience and clarity to make the best of things. Avoid impatience, rash decisions, frustration. Go for a walk out in nature if you strike challenging situations. Also, keep control of your mouth because it could develop a tendency to run off and keep going.  

Cancer (June 21 to July 22): This Full Moon is your ruler, and it is illuminating your career and general life path. A culmination or peak experience could come soon regarding parents or authority figures, including employers. Reputation and status could also become more important to you now. Do be careful not to overshare on social media! It’s time to get cracking on working towards eventual success in various projects, career or perhaps business. An Aries Full Moon could also give you more energy, although please be careful you don’t get too carried away! Take care. Perhaps walk to work, or at least part way? Excess energy could come out of your mouth, and it might not be pretty! Practice patience especially in public and at work.  

Leo (July 23 to August 22): Well, this is a bit exciting! You may be feeling more energetic and want to expand your horizons this month. Spirituality, higher education, retraining and growth are the order of the month. You may be looking at ways to get more spiritually aligned with what you’re supposed to be doing with your life. Planning long distance trips to far flung places could also be on your agenda as a strong sense of adventure wells up inside you. Destiny calls! Perhaps you’re being called to some place you’ve never been before. If you can’t actually go anywhere… then try some international cuisine for a change. Even if you hit a rocky patch, this won’t be for long as this month is all about moving forward. Aries may tempt you with impulsiveness, however, be the lion you really are if that happens. 

Virgo (August 23 to September 22): It’s action stations this month as the Aries Full Moon is urging you forward regarding joint assets and investments. Taxes or other joint financial liabilities could also be on the cards. Be your usual detailed and organised self and all will be well, then take action. Your stars also show new projects and ventures might be the go for you this month. A special person might be on your mind regarding intimacy and if not, you might ponder whether it’s time to find someone special. Try to open your heart up, even if you’ve been hurt in the past, I do know this can be difficult sometimes. You’ve got time to think, so there’s no need to rush in where angels fear to tread. Like an onion being peeled, you’re going to a deeper level now and perhaps old problems come to the surface of your mind once more.  

Libra (September 23 to October 22): You could feel like you’re walking a tightrope between your own needs and desires and those of someone close. It’s not all rainbows and fairy tales, sometimes important decisions must be made. Notice I’ve put the capitalised ‘I’ there twice, because it’s up to you, and only you can make these choices. Relationships are more important than usual and that’s saying something because relationships are normally your ‘raison détre’. So, it’s your needs and wants versus those of the significant other… can you compromise… of course! Just don’t go overboard in either direction. But as a Libran, that’s quite unlikely… you’ll find the balance between getting what you need and supplying what your other half wants. Independent self-discovery and finding solutions is achievable! 

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21): As far as your everyday habits, routines and work, you might feel like a change… perhaps you’ve been feeling a bit jaded recently. So now it’s time for a changeup towards liberation. You need more excitement in your life. Take a chance – meet some new people, join a new group or get away somewhere. Now is the time to be a little bit bolder and to take action with energy and purpose. No, don’t dilly dally or procrastinate – you know what you have to do, so get on and do it! Whilst it’s great to think about things, sometimes you go too far and get stuck in your head while the opportunities pass you by. You can remedy this situation now. Also, you could feel better, or at least, not as flat as sometimes. You can make good gains now, so take action. 

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21): Fun and games? Well, that’s what you actually need now. It’s time for play, creativity and wait for it… romance! The Super Full Moon in Aries is propelling you towards leisure and pleasure, so get on with it! You could also live closer to the world of the child so now and you might have more to do with children. Think about yourself as a child and what you went through growing up, you’re bound to be reminded of some incident which has been percolating deep down within you. It’s also a great time for socialising and general gadding about with friends. It could also be a lovely romantic time for you now too. So do something special with a special person now. Try not to be overly impulsive, take it easy and let things develop naturally, if you meet someone out of the ordinary. 

Capricorn (December 22nd to January 19): The Super Aries Full Moon brings your attention and action to your home and family. Do watch for impulsiveness, impatience and feisty words. You may be feeling more energetic than usual and want to get moving on a project at home, you’re keen but how about the people you live with? Take a deep breath and practise patience now. Do what you can do without relying on others. You could be surprised at your own reactions and the depth to which you feel your emotions if things don’t go your way. Do remember that patience is a virtue although it might be short supply sometimes. You’ll get it done and be successful where you need to be. It’s a great time to get in touch with your roots and foundations now, including ancestors and long-lost relatives. 

Aquarius (January 20th to February 18): Watch your mouth please! You could be rather tempted to run it thanks to this Full Moon. Bold assertive communications are fine, but don’t overdo it. You may have a ton of energy when speaking, just remember listening is also important. If you ignore the other person, there could be heated consequences. Just slow yourself down a tad and be the cool awesome person you really are! Communications from cousins, siblings or other distant relatives may arrive soon. Neighbourly chats are also likely. Perhaps studying, promotions or marketing is on your agenda also? It’s a great time for a small course or to learn something independently now. You could also be spending more time in your local area doing chores and doing local activities generally. Perhaps you’ll meet someone for a coffee! 

Pisces (February 19 to March 20): Money, money, money it’s your honey! Your mind is probably on your personal finances and possessions now. Take a deep breath, there’s no point in worrying but it is time to take some action now. Educate yourself and make appropriate and solid financial plans. Make a budget and write down every cent you spend. Do endeavour to save some money even if it’s only a small amount. If you stick to your budget, you’ll be feeling more confident and stronger. However, the most importance thing is that of your self-worth. How much are you selling yourself short? Do you actually deserve more money? Maybe it’s a good time now to think about this and take some small action steps towards self-worth and your ‘deservability’. You are valuable and worthy… believe it! 

For October video horoscopes visit


By Rose Smith


Rose Smith is a leading Australian spiritualist with more than 20 years’ professional experience working as a psychic, spiritual healer and teacher, and intuitive astrologer. Rose currently runs Absolute Soul Secrets.



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