What are the major health benefits of nuts and plant-based diets?
Generally speaking, on a nut or plant-based diet calorie and fat intake is lower, while fibre, fruit and vegetable intake is higher. However, you can overdo it on the fried potato and processed foods when on a plant-based diet, so make sure to do your research beforehand or consult a dietitian to ensure your plant-based diet remains as healthy as possible!
What are your top three nutritional recommendations for Veganuary first-timers?
Choose a fortified nut-based or soy milk. Plan your meals in advance so each meal contains at least one protein rich food, and finally include nuts or a nut and seed spreads, like Mayver’s Protein Plus range, at least once each day as part of your diet.
How would you recommend substituting your protein, iron and B12 intake from other foods?
Firstly, you need to make sure that each meal contains a protein rich food such as legumes, wholegrains or a soy-based protein. Choose plant-based milks and cereals that are fortified with Vitamin B12, iron and zinc and if you are especially active you may benefit from a soy or pea protein powder. Adding in a handful of nuts or a serve of 100% nut spread, like Mayver’s newly launched Goodness to Go pots, will help to tick your zinc and essential fats boxes. You should also aim to combine beans with wholegrains; such as brown rice and kidney beans, to help ensure your protein intake is optimal.
This post was last modified on 18/12/2019 10:29 am