With Winter having finally come to an end, we’re starting to welcome back the warm weather and the sunnier days of Spring. It’s the perfect time to stretch your legs and get moving again.
But as the name suggests, parkrun is not just for runners. I know a lot of people who don’t particularly like running – and that’s okay. You can start your Spring revamp by walking, your local weekly parkrun provides the perfect space to move around and about.
Despite our name, parkrun welcomes walkers” said parkrun CEO, Tim Oberg
In fact, there are over 360 locations around Australia for 50,000 participants and thousands of volunteers to join in on weekly social activity. Don’t believe me? Check out the locations below…
It doesn’t even have to be excessive, studies show that just a mere 30 minutes per day of walking can help reduce the risk of heart diseases, stroke, and diabetes by 30 to 40 percent.
None of the activities are competitive, although your finishing times can be accessed if you want to keep track of your progress over time. But remember, as Tim says:
(…) It’s not a race; it’s about participating, rather than finishing first”
What’s so good with parkrun, is the positive effects that it could have, not only physically, but mentally as well.
With today’s RU OK? Day, (12th of September), the community feel and inclusion that parkrun provides is important when considering the links between exercise and mental health. Exercise releases endorphines and serotonin, chemicals proven to lift your mood.
So if you’re considering participating, bring someone along, it could be just what they need.
This post was last modified on 12/09/2019 11:32 am