How To Overcome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

How To Overcome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Desiree Taylor

Health Expert

May 12, 2016

As the great Hippocrates said; “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. I hold this quote very near to my heart, as you see food has been my medicine, it has healed me and literally saved my life!

Five years ago, I used to be the woman who raced through life at 100 miles an hour, filling up my days with endless to do lists and eating and drinking whatever I wanted. I had a great ‘life CV’. I was playing hockey for the NSW Women’s Team, working in a lucrative corporate job as a team leader for a large global recruitment firm and had a wonderful social life, partner, family and friends. In my mind, I was doing what everyone else was doing, working all day, exercising at night, eating a carbohydrate fuelled diet, falling asleep with a few glasses of wine and waking up each morning with coffee.

Desire Taylor
Desire Taylor overcame chronic fatigue and totally transformed her life

Even though I had such an active life and was playing elite level sport, I would still get allergies, cold’s and flu’s multiple times a year, headaches, irritable bowls, massive mood swings, bloating, a foggy head, muscle aches, constant fatigue, acne, excess weight, sleepless nights and I had an underlying anxiety and depression that I masked with superficial pleasures, comfort food and alcohol.

Deep down, I knew I wasn’t 100% but I was so focused on “doing” so much and “achieving” so much, that I pushed through and ignored everything my body was trying to communicate to me. I simply took the quickest fix I could get a hold of to push past the pain and mask my symptoms, so I could carry on with my day. I believed that because I was doing what everyone else around me was doing, I would be fine and healthy…….I was horribly wrong!

In 2011 at the age of just 26, I was struck down with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with underlying Adrenal Burnout. My burn and churn lifestyle finally had caught up to me and I was bedridden for six months. I could not wash my own hair, I could not walk to the bathroom without my heart racing as if I was running a marathon and at times I did not have energy to talk. I had to quit my job, quit hockey and move in with my parents for support, spending all my savings on medical bills. My life had rapidly crumbled around me. Within a few weeks, I had gone from being a high achieving, successful sports and business woman to having absolutely nothing and fighting for my life.

Desire Taylor Teaching Holistic Health
Desiree Taylor Helps People Overcome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

I soon realised that unfortunately no conventional medical doctor could help me, so I decided to take matters into my own hands and embarked on a journey to help heal myself.

Over the course of the next four years, I spent every minute of every day researching everything I could about how to heal the body naturally using food as medicine and finding alternative, natural healing tools. I used my body and mind as my own laboratory to test and trial different dietary theories and concepts until I slowly, but surely started to heal.

Key Learnings

  • Food is medicine, it can either harm or heal you
  • Being healthy, is not the absence of having a disease, but the ability to wake up every single morning happy and bursting with an abundance of energy
  • Your thought, emotions and lifestyle choices, all impact your health on the absolute highest level.

My journey of healing using the power of food was a blessing in disguise and I have found a new purpose and passion in life as a Holistic Health + Wellness Coach. I educate, inspire, motivate and guide other women to make positive changes in their life that serve them on all levels and am proud to announce that I will be speaking at the upcoming 2016 Mind, Body Spirit Festival in Sydney on ‘Eating for Energy’!

Desiree Taylor’s Top Tips On Eating for Energy

  • Eat wholefoods
  • Eat good fats with every meal
  • Ditch the sugar, caffeine and white processed carbohydrates

The Carousel would like to thanks Desiree Taylor – a certified Holistic Health Coach & Founder of “Free Yourself Holistic Health Coaching” for this article.

Find out more on her youtube channel: here

Desiree Taylor

Desiree Taylor is a certified holistic health coach and founder of Free Yourself Holistic Health Coaching. She is also a lifestyle Coach at Hills Spinal Health Clinic and a health contributor for After suffering from severe chronic fatigue syndrome and adrenal burn out at the age of 26, Desiree embarked on a personal journey to help heal herself through natural medicine. Desiree’s journey led her to study at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition which is the world’s largest nutrition school. Her education has equipped her with extensive knowledge in holistic nutrition, health coaching, and preventive health. Desiree works with clients to help them make lifestyle changes that produce real and lasting results. Her mission is to help make the world a better place by helping people find their inner peace by restoring health and happiness back into their lives.


By Desiree Taylor

Health Expert

Desiree Taylor is a certified holistic health coach and founder of Free Yourself Holistic Health Coaching. She is also a lifestyle Coach at Hills Spinal Health Clinic and a health contributor for After suffering from severe chronic fatigue syndrome and adrenal burn out at the age of 26, Desiree embarked on a personal journey to help heal herself through natural medicine. Desiree’s journey led her to study at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition which is the world’s largest nutrition school. Her education has equipped her with extensive knowledge in holistic nutrition, health coaching, and preventive health. Desiree works with clients to help them make lifestyle changes that produce real and lasting results. Her mission is to help make the world a better place by helping people find their inner peace by restoring health and happiness back into their lives.



2 thoughts on “How To Overcome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  1. A very inspiring article Desiree.>>Congratulations on what you have achieved -wishing you success always.

  2. We too are inspired by your story and the fact you also shared it. We’ll pass on your lovely comments to Desiree. We are about to publish more stories from Desiree so watch this space.

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