The Full Buck Supermoon Means Good News For Relationships

What Does The Full Moon On December 25th Mean For You?
Rose Smith


Jul 12, 2022

The biggest and brightest supermoon of the year is upon us – and it’s time to awaken your hidden desires and passions as the “buck” in all of us is beckoned from above.

The Full Buck Supermoon will grace our skies overnight on Wednesday (July 13th), reaching its peak just before 5am AEST Thursday, and it is set to bring with it turbulence for all – with shake ups expected on the relationship and career fronts.

Some of us might wish for this supermoon to bring a strong sexual energy – but it’s more about breaking up old structures and belief systems.

It’s time to enhance creativity, passion and be open to divine inspiration in all aspects of life rather than staying stuck in a rut.

So, if you’re a bit hesitant in the ‘bucking’ department… now is the time to unleash and give something new a go!

In namesake, the Full Buck Moon is related to male deer – or bucks – as in the northern hemisphere, it appears in the season when they grow their antlers. In Australia, antlers can be growing or cast off at various times of the year, depending on the deer’s location.

A name for each full moon allows people to reflect on each season and to contemplate how it affects them and the natural world.

Because the antlers of the male deer are all about testosterone, the Buck Moon brings themes of strength, ambition and challenge to both sexes in the human world.

But this full moon is a supermoon, and the biggest and brightest of only two this year, so it will be a particularly turbulent time and all of these characteristics are amplified.

Supermoons are closer to the earth than full moons – so they’re like full moons on steroids.

While the spiritual effects of the Full Buck Supermoon will be felt by everyone, because it will appear in Capricorn, people of this star sign, along with other cardinal signs Aries, Cancer and Libra, can expect to experience its force most.

Capricorns are not usually ‘bucks’ at all – they like structure and stability, they are cautious, conservative and traditional, with strong family values… so the supermoon might be calling Capricorns to be more exciting or to do something that is less stable than they normally would do.

Relationship issues will certainly come to the surface. If your relationship is too boring, something could happen to shake it up, to bring some more life, energy, passion or transformative change to it. A ‘bucking’ good time might be calling you!

You can also expect a shakeup on the career front during the supermoon period. If you are stuck in a job you hate, just because it pays well, the shakeup might be to work less hours for less pay – but the end result is less stress! Look for a job that you love, which gives you more time to be creative.

Capricorns in particular are now being called to be more creative, unique and original rather than follow the conservative. But no one gets off scot free, everyone is affected to some extent.

Supermoons happen roughly once every 12 to 14 months, when the full moon is at the closest point to earth during its orbit (its perigee) making it appear larger and brighter.

They generally occur when the centre of the moon is less than 360,000 kilometres from the centre of earth.

Because it’s so close to earth, a full supermoon looks about 16% brighter and is 7% bigger than an average full moon.

July’s Full Buck Supermoon orbits closer to earth than last month’s Full Strawberry Supermoon, making it the biggest and brightest supermoon of 2022.

Another astrological highlight for the month would be on July 23rd when Jupiter trines the Sun.

This is a fabulous date for making public appearances – it’s a time for celebration, happiness and getting out into the world.

When can you see this month’s Full Buck Supermoon in Capricorn?

The moon will be visible after sunset on Wednesday, July 13th – but will be reaching its peak the next morning on Thursday, July14that 4.37am AEST.

Buck Full Supermoon horoscopes:

Aries (March 21 to April 19): This supermoon shines a light on your career, reputation and contribution to the world! You may be thinking about the money you earn and making some decisions about how to improve your life. Things like structure, stability and money are important, but don’t forget to let your heart have a say also! It’s important to love what you do and do what you love! Be careful not to overshare on social media as your life may become more ‘public’ whether you want it to or not. Count to ten before sharing anything too personal. Women may have something to do with your career, or perhaps your mother.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20): You may hear the call of the winds and wish to go travelling, also likely you have more dealings with overseas connections. Alternatively, you might be looking at self-development so spirituality or study could be on your mind. It’s time to put some structures in place to make these dreams real! The moon and Uranus are friends now, so unpredictable things of a positive nature can happen. Surprises and excitement are the order of the day. Do watch your emotions though, as you could get a tiny bit compulsive or driven about something. Deep compelling emotions may try to rule you, so do take control and show a tad of restraint if possible.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20): Sometimes it’s hard to trust others… I get it. Firstly, learn to trust yourself and your own judgement, OK you might have mucked up in the past, but every day is a new day. You can renew your ideas and beliefs. Set yourself small attainable goals. Getting this right will increase your self-confidence. Now back to your astro, it’s possible you meet someone special or there’s some opportunity that’s almost too good to be true. If you go step by step and don’t rush into things, you’ll get a feeling about whether to proceed. It’s time to learn to trust the deep feelings in your gut. It’s not called ‘gut intuition’ for nothing! Use it! Shared resources could be on your agenda also.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22): Significant relationships take centre stage now. It’s important to feed these partnerships, nurturing and caring for people who are important to you. You’re also likely to have more to do with your friends and women at this time. Your own happiness is deeply tied up with your connections and Neptune is casting a soft glow of harmony around you. You might be thinking about making your environment more inviting and peaceful so that family and friends have a safe place to ‘land’ in times of strife. Don’t go overboard though, it’s also important to find the balance between independence and reliance of others.

Leo (July 23 to August 22): The supermoon shines a light on your everyday work, habits and health. You may become aware of something here that needs your attention. The name of the game is to change without causing a storm in a teacup. You could feel as if you’re being stretched in two different directions, but you can manage this. Regarding work, you may be called to be quite diligent and reliable on some points you would rather leave alone. As you have a sympathetic streak, others may seek you out for a shoulder to cry on. As long as you listen but don’t get overly emotionally involved, then you could help the situation. You need some excitement and fun in your life too!

Virgo (August 23 to September 22): The supermoon is calling you to take some time out for fun in the sun (if you can find any!) It’s time for leisure and pleasure! This will help your creativity and you might find you’ve living closer to the world of the child. Children and childlike wonder are more important now. Feel your feelings and express yourself as your emotions are fuel for your creativity. Find a routine or structure which allows you some ‘me’ time. Even if it’s just a walk around the block, you do need this. While it’s important to have good relationships, looking after yourself is very necessary in allowing you to maintain these with good grace.

Libra (September 23 to October 22): You may be thinking more seriously about your home and family, maybe some decisions are called for? Sometimes decisions are difficult, especially if you’ve been living in the same place for a while or your family is involved. Your ties to women and your own mother could come into focus somehow. Perhaps it’s worth considering how much you mother others and how much nurturance you receive. The supermoon opposite the Sun, may draw your attention to the areas in your life where you’re not as happy as you could be. This is fabulous, because at least your mind is on the job now and you can commence the beginnings of a resolution bringing happiness back into your life!

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21): Your communications may take on a more serious tone now as the supermoon is encouraging you to be responsible and think first before allowing your emotions to run away with you. The upside is your feelings could really fuel your creativity and if you’re involved with marketing or publishing then this is a bonus. There may be some emotional moments with distant relatives including cousins or siblings. Your local community could also have something going down that pulls you in different directions or causes some sort of emotional incident. Neptune blesses your spiritual life, so it’s a great time to meditate and pay attention to your dreams now.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21): The supermoon in your money zone is calling you to be financially responsible. If you haven’t been, then you may receive some kind of ‘shake up’.  If you have been diligent with your money, then some kind of ‘bonus’ or financial opportunity could be coming your way. Get all your little duckies in a row and you may need to take some calculated action to join in this abundance. Do your research and steer away from controversial investments with your hard-earned money. Your possessions or the things you value could be similarly affected. Play it relatively safe now while taking action.

Capricorn (December 22nd to January 19): Woohoo the supermoon is in your sign! There are some real upsides to this… if you’ve been stuck in a rut or feeling a bit jaded lately, then you’ll probably be ‘encouraged’ to move forward in life now. Something could happen to remind you that there’s more to life than just work, responsibility and over thinking! The universe wants you to live a little more rather than just exist doing what you feel you must do. You’re also being called to find the balance between logic and emotion and to take some time for yourself. In fact, your emotions could be quite intense underneath if you look. This is fabulous because they can fuel your life and help you change direction where you need to!

Aquarius (January 20th to February 18): It’s quite a spiritual time for you now. The supermoon is in your subconscious stirring things up, so it’s a great time for some R&R, away from distractions and earthly responsibilities. You may find it difficult to find the time, however, think of it as an investment into your future. You could also help an underdog in some situation or perhaps some charitable giving is on your mind. The supermoon and Mars are frenemies just now, so do watch for impatience and irritability. Slips, trips, falls and spoils can be avoided, so pay attention to your surroundings.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20): The supermoon is gracing your friend zone. You may find after an initial shakeup, new friends, connections and/or groups come into your life. There could also be some kind of letting go that is long overdue. It’s a matter of making space in your life for the new energies to come in. Your hopes and dreams also could have a hand in this rearrangement of friends and groups. It’s time to put some stability into the relationships that survive any shakeup, and you may find that friends become closer or more than just friends in some way.  Friendships with women become more important and so does your community as well.

For July video horoscopes visit:

Rose Smith

Rose Smith is a leading Australian spiritualist with more than 20 years’ professional experience working as a psychic, spiritual healer and teacher, and intuitive astrologer. Rose currently runs Absolute Soul Secrets.


By Rose Smith


Rose Smith is a leading Australian spiritualist with more than 20 years’ professional experience working as a psychic, spiritual healer and teacher, and intuitive astrologer. Rose currently runs Absolute Soul Secrets.



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