Here’s how the Sturgeon Supermoon will shape your horoscopes this month.
Aries (March 21 to April 19): You probably feel sympathetic towards others now but don’t sell yourself short, do what makes you feel happy rather than trying to fit in with others, especially friends or groups. Mars gives extra energy but also irritability and frustration, so take the edge of this by doing some movement to release tension. Do watch for incidents and accidents and be mindful of what you are doing physically in the present. Mars wants to catapult you to the future, so your mind may not really be paying attention when it should. Those in authority may not being playing your game just now, so be patient and sincere to help things turn around.
Taurus (April 20 to May 20): It’s a great time for working with the general public. You become more well-known, and your reputation precedes you in some way. You probably become more personally invested in your career or vocation but don’t become critical or annoyed with yourself or others if there’s some sort of glitch at work. The Aquarius Moon indicates you may also care for others in the course of your career which is a fine thing to do providing you find the balance of taking care of yourself as well. Authority figures could expect quite a lot and you may think you’re being backed into a corner to receive their approval, especially as you’re sensitive to criticism. Privacy is your friend now, so take some R&R!
Gemini (May 21 to June 20): Travelling might be on your mind now, either you think about past travels or you’re thinking about future adventures. The far away and exotic is very appealing, and you might wish to make your life more exciting through ‘foreign affairs’. It doesn’t hurt to cut loose a bit from structures and work – a little bit of adventure is a good thing for you. Allow some ‘wanderlust’ – whatever that means to you. This will rejuvenate you and bring more passion and warmth into your life. Sometimes it can be difficult to express your deep emotions and a little newness or motivated fancy will help you get to the crux of those feelings, reinvigorating you further.
Cancer (June 21 to July 22): Your sensitivity is being piqued by the Aquarius Moon so watch this doesn’t turn into ‘oversensitivity’. Generally speaking, people are not ‘out to get you’ but rather, you are becoming more sensitive to energetic nuances. This is a good thing as it feeds your intuition and potential psychic ability. You may wish to become closer to someone, however your sensitivity can misread their intentions. Maybe trust is an issue? It’s completely understandable, however if you can be patient with both yourself and others, you’ll gain insight and be happier to boot! Shared resources such as real estate, wills, inheritances or perhaps even intimacy may be on your mind.
Leo (July 23 to August 22): Significant partners could become your major focus as you rely on them more – this may be for either physical or emotional support. Under the Aquarius Full Moon, women could become even more important whether they be family or friends. This is ok but do watch for over-dependence on other people rather than standing up for yourself. This Full Moon wants you to become more resourceful and independent, so you can be in relationships and be simultaneously uniquely yourself! Your intuition is trying to tell you something valuable about you! Listen for the best advice! Practice patience with yourself and others and your relationships will strengthen.
Virgo (August 23 to September 22): You’re likely to feel especially sympathetic to others now and you may wish to reach out to help them, especially at work. Just realise they have full autonomy over their own lives and may prefer to go down a different path. The Sun is bosom buddies with the Aquarius Moon so inner insight about your work or health may come to light. You could also feel full of energy thanks to Mars, so go gently as you have more power than you realise now. If you’re not grounded in practical reality, watch for incidents or accidents. The future comes soon enough, be patient and keep your mind on the present. Mars wants to quickly push you into the future but stand your ground now.
Libra (September 23 to October 22): Your inner child may come out to play so it’s a great time for leisure and pleasure, fun in the sun and romance! Take care of yourself now and have some good times. You’re quite likely to be emotionally expressive and your inner world comes more to the surface now. Try to use your brain occasionally but not too much now as fun and happiness are sometimes more important than being logical. The Aquarius Moon can also bring out your critical thinking, so do watch this especially with potential romantic partners. Allow more affection, warmth into your life! It’s time to let your creativity shine brightly!
Scorpio (October 23 to November 21): It’s all about home and family now, you do need some personal space though. You may find yourself desiring privacy and inner reflection. Have some time out even if you feel you really want to help family members out in some way. You’re quite likely to bond more strongly with your home and may set about some home improvements, wanting to make your sanctuary more comfortable and secure. The Aquarius Full Moon and Mars can bring up issues involving family, so best take a deep breath and not buy into unnecessary arguments or incidents. The Sun brings insight and awareness, so you’ll start to understand more about how present situations have come to be.
Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21): Your communications zone is alight with new information! Brilliant flashes of insight dart across the landscape of your mind with great alacrity! So, it’s time to take a deep breath before expressing these ideas. You may take action because ‘it feels right’ which is fine, but this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t research or use logic to check out a certain situation first. Do make sure brain is fully in gear before putting mouth into drive! Study or short trips around your local area may be the order of the day and you could also do well with promotions or marketing. It’s a chatty time with neighbours, locals and friends. Get some excitement into your life!
Capricorn (December 22nd to January 19): You may be reassessing your Relationship with money now. Questions of financial interest may occupy your mind. Perhaps possible fears about lack of financial means are coming up to be dealt with? If you have money fears, how old were you when they first appeared? Go back to this age and make new fresh decisions about your own worthiness to be financially secure. Your possessions or things that you value may also be your focus now. Venus is bringing sympathy for others, so keep this in balance with what you value. You may also change your mind about something and decide you have other priorities about what you value in life.
Aquarius (January 20th to February 18): The Aquarius Full Moon is calling you to become clearer about your identity and your belief systems. You may become a little confused about things you thought previously were true! That’s ok, this is a time of reassessment of your real motivations and assumptions about life. You’re going deeper into your own reality now and it’s a good thing! Look at the beliefs of your parents, your peers, your family or your partner… are they correct for you? You could change your appearance – makeup, hair, clothes to better reflect who you really are. The time for change is now if you’ve been a little off track. The internal GPS known as intuition will set you free.
Pisces (February 19 to March 20): It’s quite a spiritual time for you now passionate Pisces! Keep an eye on your dreams and the small little intuitive flashes you may receive in the daytime. Pay attention to what’s going on inside your head now because you could get some important Soul messages emanating from your subconscious. You need your own personal space so you can regain strength from solitude. At times you may seek the approval of fatherhood figures, but really you don’t need it. You can learn to be your own authority figure now. Frustration and irritability could come from the outside world however, privacy and self-reflection will pay off handsomely and you’ll become more independent.
This post was last modified on 10/08/2022 6:38 am