Prioritise Jobs, Parents and Home Life During July’s Buck Full Moon

Rose Smith


Jul 21, 2024

July’s Buck Full Moon is almost here and our careers, relationships with our parents and home lives will all be under review. By Rose Smith.

This month’s full moon will grace our skies tonight (July 21st), and because it’s appearing in star sign Capricorn, structure and stability are calling.

Capricorn is a practical earth sign and people can expect flow on effects with their jobs, authority figures and life structures in general.

It could be a time to review whether our current career is making us happy, or maybe look for a new one if we don’t feel valued.

Because Capricorn is also a persevering, determined and ambitious cardinal sign – diligent, reliable, hard-working energy is in the mix.

People may simply have to work harder in the role they are in, which could especially effect those who take short cuts in the workplace with a risk of being found out in some way.

Capricorn is a stickler for the rules, and its ruler Saturn is known as a hard task master – so be careful!

The full moon may also pressure us to become more grounded, in order to deal with practical problems.

We may also experience challenges with home lives, families and particularly parents.

People may need to focus on getting theses aspects of life in order, because perhaps career-related issues are having a flow-on effect.

A lot of consideration could be given to elderly parents, as Saturn (Capricorn’s ruler) is the planet associated with time and older, mature people or authority figures.

Capricorns are also cautious, conservative and traditional, with strong family values. So, for people who are considering the role they play in helping manage their parents’ lives as they age, things like selling the family home, downsizing, or moving into an aged care facility may be on the cards.

Because this is the second and final Capricorn full moon of the year, this may be also a time when people should reflect on their legacy and accomplishments.

It could be a time to achieve “concrete things” by acknowledging growth and intentionally moving forward.

Perhaps, it’s time to consider what we want to do for the community or the world?

While the spiritual effects of the Buck Moon will be felt by everyone, because it appears in Capricorn, people of this star sign, along with other cardinal signs Aries, Cancer and Libra, can expect to experience its force most. Because Capricorn is also an earth sign, Taureans and Virgos will feel its force more too.

But no one gets off Scot free though, everyone is affected to some degree.

In namesake, the Buck Moon is related to male deer – or bucks – as in the northern hemisphere, it appears in the summer season when they grow their antlers.

A name for each full moon allows people to reflect on each season and to contemplate how it affects them and the natural world.

Because the antlers of the male deer are all about testosterone, the Buck Moon brings themes of strength, ambition and challenge to both sexes in the human world.

When can you see this month’s Buck Full Moon in Capricorn?

The moon will be at its peak on Sunday, July 21stat 8:17pm AEST.

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July’s Buck Full Moon horoscopes

Aries (March 21 to April 19): The cosmic spotlight falls on your ambitions this month. This Capricornian Full Moon encourages you to reach for the stars… you may not make it, but you’ll be further along than if you didn’t try. So go for it and think big! You’re making progress and it’s a great time for some self-reflection on how far you’ve come. You might be tempted to overwork or put too much energy and effort in. However sometimes it’s also good to smell the roses as you deal with family and home issues too! Working and striving to succeed can go overboard, so get some balance in your life as well. Reach for the stars and honour the stardust underneath your feet. In other words, stay grounded and balanced in all things. Plan a schedule and pencil in some ‘me time’ with your loved ones, new ideas and projects.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20): The Full Moon in a fellow Earth sign is making a hard aspect to your subconscious. Restlessness, turbulent dreams and emotions might arise as you try to expand your life in some way. It’s a case of choppy waters but you’re still making progress so don’t give up. You may be thinking about further study or long-distance travel. Perhaps spirituality is becoming more important to you as well. Learning and growing is the name of the game right now, even if you’re not sure of which direction to plot a course. Soon the time will come when decisions become clearer and easier to make. Don’t forget to get some variety and excitement into your life too! All work and no play can bring Taurus down to Earth with a thud!

Gemini (May 21 to June 20): The resources that you share with others, whether it’s investments, taxes, superannuation or even an inheritance may feature now. It could also be a time of settling debts – either financial or karmic. Pay what is due even if it hurts as it will save you future angst if you settle up with money or apologies! Your intimate life could also be quite a feature in your life too. It’s a time of finding more emotional depth and really getting in touch with those primordial forces deep within. You might want to talk to an intimate partner about what you’re really feeling now. You can find hidden depths in previously uncharted waters within. Even if you feel vulnerable, it’s ok to be real about your feelings and communicate these, even if you feel somewhat hesitant initially. Intimacy is important now.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22): Committed relationships, either business or personal, feature strongly now. It may be a case of having to compromise as your independence and approach to the world wants something that could impact on someone close to you. It doesn’t necessarily mean conflict if you handle this with kid gloves, but if you impulsively react it may well mean just that! Personal autonomy is important but so are the feelings of your loved ones – best find the balance between your needs and those close to you. Capricorn will help you as partnerships and marriages are important this month. Reliability, steadfastness and stability are your guides now. If you have any legal issues, compromises may be needed here too.  

Leo (July 23 to August 22): It’s a transformational time with subconscious forces influencing your everyday life. Repressed emotions and subconscious contents can rise up now as many possibilities are birthed. Your routine work, hobbies or pets could change in some way. So, flow with the changes and allow your emotions to vent appropriately. Health could be similarly affected also. Pay attention to your stress levels – if you feel stressed, go for a walk in nature. Time out and some self-reflection are called for as your spiritual life becomes more important now. Pay attention to your dreams and those little insightful flashes you might have in the daytime between tasks. Spirit is sending you messages to help with any transitions you’re going through now in daily life.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22): Friends, groups and associates could bring issues now. Perhaps, you’re no longer on the same page? Differences in opinion can sometimes be hard to take. The Full Moon is fast moving, so maybe wait a few days before making a major decision. Your hopes and dreams are also subject to change as you re-evaluate your life and social commitments. On the upside however, you’re likely to be feeling more creative and playtime is calling you! Go out and have some fun with those friends you can trust. Romance could also be on the agenda too… you never know who you might meet. It’s a time of awe, wonder and excitement, so enjoy!  You could have more to do with children or perhaps your own inner child wants your attention. Reassure them and allay their fears now.

Libra (September 23 to October 22): Creative and unexpected ways develop regarding how your treat those resources you share with others… it’s a good thing! The Universe sends a bolt of lightning out of the blue and bingo you have innovative solutions to problems that may have been dogging you for a while. However, there’s also likely tension between home and family versus your career or perhaps a parent. Authority figures might play up now and you may need to use your Libran charm to placate others in your career zone. However, Capricorn can lend a helping hand here with structure and stability. This is particularly true if you are of ‘mature’ vintage! Be ready for some major transformations going down this month as something old leaves and something new comes into being. It won’t be a dull time!

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21): Take a deep breath – it’s not the best time to rush into decisions. You may want to change direction or grow your life in a new way, but there are some obstacles standing on your path. It’s probably best to take it easy and slow down. This doesn’t mean the change won’t happen – it’s probably a matter of timing. You may be thinking about travel, education or spirituality but things don’t go according to plan… yet! Don’t worry – Jupiter will help you enlarge your resources to do whatever you need to. Mars will give you the drive and Capricorn the ambition. You’ll get there by hook or by crook. Communications are likely tinged with emotion and logic may be in short supply just now. Allow your feelings to come up and you can add a dash of analytical thinking too, especially after a few days have passed.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21): Unpredictable changes in your everyday life could affect your finances and probably for the better! You might get lucky with a seemingly simple action that results in a payoff for you. Similarly, your beliefs around money could also change and perhaps you move from scarcity mentality to an abundance mindset. Transformative communications are likely now. Another you may share investments or assets with, may not be too pleased, however. Any changes could upset financial applecarts, so bear this in mind. This situation may relate to joint investments, taxes, superannuation, inheritances or wills. Your intimate life or lack of it, could also be a ‘thing’. If you are intimate with another, spend some time sorting out potential issues, it will stand you in good stead.

Capricorn (December 22nd to January 19): the Full Moon in your sign is casting a bright light on your ambition and drive to get ahead. There are some very positive aspects with a heap of planets lending support – Mars, Uranus, Neptune and even Pluto are relating to your Full Moon. This is very advantageous for you in many life areas. Your everyday work, health, creativity, romance and communications are just a few sectors that are looking up! Your reliability and diligence will take you far even if some tension in committed relationships arises. Compromise on things that are not core values and stick to those matters are very important to you. You are about to approach the world in a new more powerful manner. Perhaps you wish to update your appearance and identity to better reflect this?

Aquarius (January 20th to February 18): Pluto and the Full Moon are in cahoots… soon you’ll be bursting out into the world in a brand-new way! Your identity is slowly transforming, and the Full Moon lends its energy to you becoming more uniquely you. It’s quite a spiritual time, so do look for insights within now. Your dreams and subconscious energies are making themselves known to you. This might influence your everyday life and work. So, keep both feet on the ground and strive for practicality, while your head floats amongst the stars of possibility. It might be a good time to get away from work or routine, maybe go on retreat somewhere in nature? You could be feeling more creative and unexpected things occur around your home or family… but they’re probably positive and flow easily.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20): It’s a spiritual time for you with many inner possibilities coming to the surface of your mind. There’s huge potential here as you can access your inner truth beyond the usual veils of doubt and anxiety. It’s an exciting time as you may meet new people who align with your core beliefs. Of course, this may also mean it’s time to let go of those associates, friends or groups that are no longer on the same page. There could be challenges with people who interfere with your creativity or your inner child who wants to have some fun. Get out and socialise with likeminded people now, leisure and pleasure is the name of the game for you! So go with Piscean energy flow towards entertainment, light-heartedness and romance. You probably also have a lot of energy for home and family matters now too!

For July video horoscopes visit:

About Rose Smith 

Rose Smith is a leading Australian spiritualist with more than 20 years’ professional experience working as a psychic, spiritual healer and teacher, and intuitive astrologer. Rose currently runs Absolute Soul Secrets – the largest psychic network in the southern hemisphere. Prior to this she worked as a counselor in a local women’s health centre and tutored in ethics and counselling at Southern Cross University. Rose has a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Canberra and a BA majoring in psychology from Charles Sturt University. For more information visit Rose’s website at or her popular YouTube channel


By Rose Smith


Rose Smith is a leading Australian spiritualist with more than 20 years’ professional experience working as a psychic, spiritual healer and teacher, and intuitive astrologer. Rose currently runs Absolute Soul Secrets.



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