Drama Ahead With Full Moon In Virgo On 23 February

Hedy Damari


Feb 19, 2016

However, here in earth goddess Virgo the theatrics will be kept to a minimum and you’ll have a strong need to connect with nature. Do things that make you feel grounded like walking barefoot on soft grass or sand, hiking or getting a massage. As Virgo is also the healer of the zodiac being of service to others will be highly rewarding.   

Harness the energy of the pristine Full Moon in Virgo, regardless of your sign, with these handy cosmic tips:

Perform a random act of kindness

It’s official – or at least scientifically proven – being kind to others is actually good for you! Not only does donating to a charity, helping a friend in need or letting someone go in front of you during peak hour give you an instant case of the warm fuzzies but altruistic behaviour releases ‘feel good’ endorphins. Virgo is the sign associated with healing and being of service to others, so doing your bit today will have a knock on affect and restore one, two or twenty people’s faith in humanity!

Hone a skill

Virgos didn’t earn their reputation for being the perfectionists of the zodiac for nothing. Blessed with analytical thinking and an eye for details they are quick problem-solvers with high standards. And if you think they don’t let others off lightly they are even harder on themselves. Channel this perfectionist energy into focussing on one thing you excel at or wish to improve on, whether it’s mastering a recipe, yoga asana or creating the perfect space.

Indulge in some pampering

Virgo is an earth sign and, as such, enjoys creature comforts and life’s physical pleasures. Unlike fellow earth element Taurus who is quite the gourmand or Capricorn who relishes the finer things in life, like a big shiny yacht, Virgo enjoys a spot of spoiling oneself at the day spa. Get a facial, mani, pedi or shiatsu massage – anything that benefits your wellbeing by getting you to slow down, live in the moment and look after yourself.

Make an appointment with a nutritionist

There’s mounting evidence that suggests good gut flora is the key to feeling and looking great, as well as the cure and prevention of many diseases. Focussing on promoting healthy bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract, which is now recognised as a biological ecosystem, is an increasingly popular topic among food circles and scientific researchers. What was once thought of as fanaticism is now mainstream with western medicine finally embracing this idea. The body parts associated with Virgo are, quel surprise, the intestines and digestive system – use this lunar energy to get some tips from a professional whether in person or via books and websites to treat your tract.  Click here to read more on gut health 

Streamline and simplify

Classy and chic, a Virgo lives by the ethos ‘less is more’. If you feel as though your environment, especially your wardrobe, is becoming overly cluttered it’s high time for a good cull! Firstly, do yourself a feng shui favour – get everything out from under the bed (no wonder your sex life has taken a nosedive!), give it a good clean, clear away any cobwebs and toss unnecessary junk. Not everyone has the luxury of a walk-in closet but keeping it neat and tidy is a start. Do this to the rest of your house, revel in the ‘Zen’ feel and enjoy the added buzz of donating your liked but no longer beloved trinkets to charity (see my first tip)      

Create structure

Okay, this is coming from a Pisces (Virgo’s polar opposite) so please bear with me. If organisation doesn’t come easily to you (yes, my hand is already up) this is the ultimate time to get into an orderly headspace. You needn’t be born with an abundance of proficiency in order to develop and hone at least some sort of method in the madness. Make a pact to regroup each morning – taking mental notes during your morning constitutional is great but documenting and sticking to something tangible is better. Clear your head and motivate yourself by making time each morning to write a realistic ‘to do’ list.

Hedy Damari

Hedy Damari is an astrologer, writer and author. She was the editor and features writer of Your Destiny magazine for eight years and star columnist for Good Health. She is the current astrologer for TV Week, Yours and the online astrologer for Australian Cosmopolitan. Hedy has written three astrology annuals for Woman’s Day and is a regular contributor for Cosmo Pregnancy, New Idea, Woman’s Day and Wellbeing Astrology. Hedy has written two books - Absolute Astro and Absolute Love Astro (Park St Press).


By Hedy Damari


Hedy Damari is an astrologer, writer and author. She was the editor and features writer of Your Destiny magazine for eight years and star columnist for Good Health. She is the current astrologer for TV Week, Yours and the online astrologer for Australian Cosmopolitan. Hedy has written three astrology annuals for Woman’s Day and is a regular contributor for Cosmo Pregnancy, New Idea, Woman’s Day and Wellbeing Astrology. Hedy has written two books - Absolute Astro and Absolute Love Astro (Park St Press).



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