Ada Nicodemou Talks About Priceline’s Sisterhood, Motherhood And Botox

The Carousel The Carousel has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

Mar 02, 2016

The Sisterhood Foundation is for for all women affected by serious illness. and supports five charities; PANDA (Perinatal Anxiety, and Depression Australia), Australian Cervical Cancer Foundation, Children First, Alzheimer’s Australia and also Look Good Feel Better.

Ada balances her role of mother to three-year-old Johnas with grace and poise thanks to her balanced lifestyle and health care regime. Here, she talks to The Carousel publisher Robyn Foyster. Watch our video interview – the transcript is below:

Robyn: “Hi Ada, tell us what’s your health and beauty regime?”

Ada: “It’s all about balance. It’s always an 80/20 rule, with anything. Health-wise, I like to exercise. I like to eat really well and try and get sleep, but with a three-year-old, you know, sometimes I don’t. Beauty-wise, I always cleanse my face, twice. I use a lot of active ingredients now and as I’m getting older I use eye cream as well and water! I have laser facials every eight weeks.”

Robyn: “Yes water is really important, everyone forgets that you really need to rehydrate all the time.”
Ada: “Yeah! And also eat really well. You know when you’re eating a lot of veggies and fruit your eyes are clearer, your skin looks better…
But you know it is all about balance, you can’t eat quinoa and tofu all the time. Everything needs to be balanced. I’m doing dry-Feb at the moment which is great but I wouldn’t do it for the whole year, you know there needs to be a balance.”
Robyn: “Oh yeah so what is that?”

Ada: “Just not drinking for the month of February, but it’s the shortest month so I figured I could do it!”
Robyn: “Absolutely! So tell us your tips for ageing gracefully for women. There are a lot of women who would love to know your thoughts on that.”

Ada: “Look, I say, whatever works for you. If you want to go and do Botox, if you want to go and do fillers, you know, get a lift, that’s fine! But, I guess it’s what’s inside first. So if you’re happy and you lead a balanced life, you’re probably going to look better on the outside, because you can go and get all that stuff done but sometimes you go a little bit too far and you’re still not happy inside and you never look that good, so I think whatever makes you happy. No one should judge whatever you get done.”

Robyn: “So the Sisterhood… you must be very proud to be a part of that. Tell us the main thing about the Sisterhood that makes it so good.”

Ada: “So there’s five charities and they’re all women-based or family-based charities, and unfortunately during our lives we’re all touched by horrible things and we’d like to think we’d never need those charities, like PANDA is a really important one to women, and I know with me, after I had Johnas, I didn’t go to PANDA, but I was really unhappy for a while. I didn’t know what was going on. You can go online, you can learn about it, and you can realise that…you’re normal! So yeah it’s really good to be a part of this. We raised $2 million on Sisterhood  last year. We raised all this money, and we’re going to do it again this year, and it’s great that Priceline get behind such amazing charities.”

Robyn: “How can we get involved?” 

Ada: “You can actually go online and donate. There’s a lot of events throughout the year, just go into your Priceline store, or onto the website. If you join the Sisterhood Foundation, that’s a really good thing to do.”

Robyn: “And just finally, how is Johnas and the family?”

Ada: “He’s really good, I was up with him at 2am this morning, so yeah I am a little bit tired, but he’s awesome. He’s a beautiful affectionate kid. Everyday just gets better and better. He’s just a happy child, so I know I’ve done a good job.”

The Carousel

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.


By The Carousel The Carousel has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.



The Carousel
