Hollywood ‘Badges Up’ To Stop Violence Against Women For White Ribbon Day

Hollywood 'Badges Up' To Stop Violence Against Women For White Ribbon Day
Yvette Le Grew

Lifestyle Writer

Nov 26, 2014

White Ribbon is a global campaign supporting the prevention and protection of women all around the world to end violence against them. This imperative movement needs your support to let the attackers of innocent women know their actions are unacceptable, while also giving women a day of celebration and respect to end this violence. 

In Australia, White Ribbon is  the only male-led campaign to end men’s violence against women – making women’s safety a man’s issue too. The International Day of the Elimination of Violence against Women, also known as White Ribbon Day (November 25th) signals the start of 16 Days of Activism to Stop Violence against Women, which ends on Human Rights Day (December 10). The White Ribbon campaign works through primary prevention initiatives involving awareness raising and education, and programs with youth, schools, workplaces and across the broader community.

MEN! Let the world know where you stand on violence against women. Show your support and SWEAR THE OATH NOW!!!

Find out how you can get involved and show your support here. 


Internationally, many of Hollywood’s biggest names have jumped on board iconic fashion designer Stella McCartney’s movement to support White Ribbon by wearing the limited edition White Ribbon badge designed by Stella McCartney. Cameron Diaz, Sarah Jessica Parker, Salma Hayek, Bradley Cooper, Dame Vivienne Westwood and Chris Martin were among a raft of celebrities wearing and sharing their gold badges on social media with the #StellasWorld #WR4W #WhiteRibbon. 



Stella McCartney, a fierce advocate of many charities, but particularly those supporting women’s issues said on Instagram; “As a mother, I understand the importance of seeking the facts and making the change that is so desperately needed. x Stella”


Globally, White Ribbon is the world’s largest male-led movement to end men’s violence against women. Originating in Canada in 1991, White Ribbon is now active in more than 60 countries. Get on board until December 10th to share and show your support using #WhiteRibbon #WR4W across social media.

Images Courtesy of Instagram 


What are you doing to support the White Ribbon movement? Tell us your experience below… 

Yvette Le Grew

Yvette Le Grew is the former Online Editor of The Australian Women’s Weekly, former Head of Digital Content at Westfield & freelance fashion, travel, health & lifestyle writer for titles across the UK, Asia and Australia. Yvette now contributes 'at large' for thecarousel.com.


By Yvette Le Grew

Lifestyle Writer

Yvette Le Grew is the former Online Editor of The Australian Women’s Weekly, former Head of Digital Content at Westfield & freelance fashion, travel, health & lifestyle writer for titles across the UK, Asia and Australia. Yvette now contributes 'at large' for thecarousel.com.



One thought on “Hollywood ‘Badges Up’ To Stop Violence Against Women For White Ribbon Day

  1. Naomi Campbell against violence? Has she stopped abusing her domestic staff and throwing phones?

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