September’s spiritual events calendar is jam-packed with the Harvest Moon, Mercury Retrograde and Spring Equinox all falling within the month, the combination resulting in emotional turmoil and big changes for many of us.
Spiritually we can expect these events to impact our emotions and relationships and it’s important to be wary of the way in which we communicate with our loved ones.
We have three big events involving the Heavens, all around the same time: the famously bright Harvest Moon on Saturday (September 10th), Mercury Retrograde starting the same day, which is notorious for throwing people off balance, and the important seasonal marker Spring Equinox (September 23rd) with equal hours of day and night.
These events are messing with our emotions. The Harvest Moon will be in Pisces, potentially making way for insecurities and moodiness to bubble over. Mercury Retrograde will slow communication and disrupt technology, and then Spring Equinox signals new beginnings and change in our lives.
On the positive side though, Pisceans will probably find their intuition is much stronger and anyone who has started anything important prior to Mercury going retrograde, can probably have better luck completing it during Mercury Retrograde.
As we enter the changing of the seasons with Spring, we also need to be mindful that the heavens are challenging us!
When a new season is starting the weather is most changeable, and Spring is the windiest time of year – the winds of change, and you are likely to change your mind about things. Best to avoidsigning off on contracts or important decisions, particularly as Mercury Retrograde wreaks havoc in communication. If you have to, you have to, but do be aware there will probably be some changes after Mercury turns direct on October 3rd.
Focus on achieving balance during this time of emotional overload and work on resolving small things in yourself… and get plenty of rest!
Harvest Moon: September 10th
Saturday’s full Harvest Moon starts the astrological events sequence and full moons are traditionally reflective and emotional times.
The full moon is in Pisces – people will be highly emotional and moody, so watch yourself!
It might leave us feeling out of sorts because Pisces is a water sign. I recommend spending time on your own, even just a walk, get away from devices, distractions and other people.
Emotional endings to events or relationships could also result. Remember we need to find fulfilment within ourselves first rather than relying on others to complete us.
While the spiritual effects of the Harvest Moon will be felt by everyone to some extent, because Pisces is also a mutable sign, this sign along with other mutable signs Sagittarius, Gemini, and Virgo will be more strongly affected.
Every full moon has its name based on the month or the season in which it appears – these names
allow people to reflect on each season and contemplate how they affect them and the natural world.
The name Harvest Moon refers to the time farmers finish their harvest in North America before frost arrives.
Although astrologically it doesn’t matter what name a full moon has, I would encourage people to think about things they want to harvest in their own lives.
Mercury Retrograde: September 10th to October 3rd
Mercury Retrograde also begins on Saturday, and it will be important to pay attention to what is going on in your life on that date.
You can quite literally feel the energy when Mercury goes retrograde and then when it turns direct on October 3rd, your life will slowly restore to order.
There is a shadow period of a few days either side of these days when the retrograde energy is coming on or going off.
Mercury Retrograde will be in star signs Libra and Virgo, so these signs will feel its effects most strongly.
Taurus and Gemini will likely also have some sort of issue, most probably to a moderate level. But no one gets off scot-free.
Mercury is the speedy planet that controls communication, technology and travel – and when retrograde, brings disruption, miscommunication and technological chaos relating to missed appointments, phone problems, arguments and mental confusion.
Travel can be delayed or there are glitches, so allow plenty of time if you’re taking a trip. It is, however, a great time to go back and complete anything you started before September10th. Things can also go quiet, or people internalise their feelings rather than acting on them.
Even though this is Mercury’s third retrograde this year, this seemingly “backward step” event is especially important as we prepare for change in October.
Hold off any major decisions, purchases, and judgments and to use the time to slow down and reflect on your ideas surrounding love, beauty and peacefulness.
Relationships may be tested due to misunderstandings, or something slows downs or becomes internalised.
Libra loves love so you might get back with an ex. However, be aware of reoccurring patterns in relationships. Reassessing your and your partner’s needs will be a top priority.
Libra is ruled by Venus who also looks after finances and business, so take extra care in these areas and watch your spending. Check your receipts and invoices during this time.
Spring Equinox: September 23rd
On Friday, September 23rd it’s Spring Equinox, when the midday sun is directly above the equator, giving every location on the planet 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness.
It will be the Spring Equinox here in the Southern Hemisphere and the Autumn or Fall Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere.
Equinox is an important seasonal point, when the sun crosses the celestial equator heading south to create longer, warmer days in the southern hemisphere.
Spiritually, Spring Equinox represents the seeds that you have planted over the winter months – whether that be physical or in your unconscious – things you have been mulling over or ideas you have been planting now have a chance to come to fruition.