Full Moon In Scorpio Means ‘Emotional Truthfulness’

Full Moon In Scorpio Means 'Emotional Truthfulness'
Yvette Le Grew

Lifestyle Writer

May 04, 2015

The core message for this Full Moons is ’emotional truthfulness’. We love this. Full Moons are a time of culmination and harvest, of closing one chapter and beginning another, as well as reaping the rewards of hard work. Here in Scorpio, the sign of power, mystery, sexuality and transformation, the Full Moon is bound to bring issues surrounding these topics as well as compromise to the fore.

Full Moon in Scorpio May 4, 1:43pm (AEST)

If you’ve been struggling to embrace your power or balance your desires with those of your partners’ the Full Moon will help you to meet each other halfway. Basically, whatever is going on for you emotionally in your life right now, it’s about to be reactivated. There may be grieving involved, so remember to be compassionate with yourself and of course, with others.

Ruled by Pluto, the planet of the underworld, Scorpion energy is complex, passionate and usually very perceptive. Scorpions are not afraid of delving deep beneath the surface to uncover the ‘real’ issues so be warned, during this full moon, Scorpio’s penetrating energy is highly emotive and will allow you to uncover what is hidden, and clear the way for new progress, possibilities, rebuilding and healing. It’s best not to resist this powerful energy as they’ll push their way through anyway, but in a more explosive way if you don’t let them flow.

Earthy Taurus is the other major influence working in polarity to watery Scorpio during this Full Moon. They are in fact, two of the most opposite star signs in the zodiac, so this is going to be a powerfully push-pull phase for all of us. Taurus seeks out earthly delights and comforts seeking to always maintain the status quo and focussing on the visible surface stuff of life. Scorpio, on the other hand, goes deep into the underworld to discover the truth and tap into the energies of passion and creativity. The constant Scorpio quest for power and control though, must be balanced. Together, Taurus and Scorpio integrate during this Full Moon with contentment through truth and depth.

Other influences are Jupiter in Leo which pulls in a much less secretive energy than mysterious and often controlling and manipulative Scorpio can bring to the table. What this means, is that the Jupiter-Leo energy will allow for enlightenment rather than keeping those skeletons in the closet.

Saturn is transiting through Jupiter also with a push-pull energy feeding from the moon. Given Scorpio’s fixed energy, Saturn’s presence allows flexibility and openness so if you’re looking to adjust your emotional position or response to an issue or a person at the moment, this is the perfect time.

Full moons have the most direct impact during the 2 days either side – although the effects can echo for many moons ahead. So set your intentions for truth, self-expression, passion and clearing the decks at this time and enjoy the energies around you.

What are you feeling during this Full Moon? Tell us how Scorpio/Taurus is affecting you in the comments below…

Yvette Le Grew

Yvette Le Grew is the former Online Editor of The Australian Women’s Weekly, former Head of Digital Content at Westfield & freelance fashion, travel, health & lifestyle writer for titles across the UK, Asia and Australia. Yvette now contributes 'at large' for thecarousel.com.


By Yvette Le Grew

Lifestyle Writer

Yvette Le Grew is the former Online Editor of The Australian Women’s Weekly, former Head of Digital Content at Westfield & freelance fashion, travel, health & lifestyle writer for titles across the UK, Asia and Australia. Yvette now contributes 'at large' for thecarousel.com.



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