On The 9th Day Of Christmas The Carousel Gave To Me… An Energy Boost!

When our heart is pumping our body’s releases chemicals called endorphins, which helps us feel good and raise our energy levels.

These are great moves to do to spend the rest of your day more focused, energised and ready to take on what comes your way.

What you’ll do:

Ensure you’re body and joints are warmed up and prepared for these movements, positions and weight bearing activities.

  • Jog on spot, increasing intensity
  • Jogging mountain climbers x 32
  • Jog on spot, increasing intensity
  • Low jack knife to high jack knife x 8

Repeat as many times as you like.

Lizzy Williamson

Lizzy Williamson has spent the last 15 years as a Personal Trainer inspiring women to move their bodies and feel good about themselves. She is a Certified Health Coach from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in NYC who helps women to break free from their battles with food, body image and low self worth. Her online workouts and programs support women to live an active life of nourishment, confidence and fulfillment. Find out more at lizzywilliamson.com and join Lizzy for her 10 Day New Year Body Kickstart – 2 minute video workouts delivered daily to your inbox to have you feeling fit, lean, detoxed and ready to rock 2015. It’s free! Like/Follow/Subscribe to Lizzy’s Facebook, Instagram and YouTube for more health and fitness motivation.

This post was last modified on 27/06/2016 4:32 pm

Lizzy Williamson: Lizzy Williamson has spent the last 15 years as a Personal Trainer inspiring women to move their bodies and feel good about themselves. She is a Certified Health Coach from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in NYC who helps women to break free from their battles with food, body image and low self worth. Her online workouts and programs support women to live an active life of nourishment, confidence and fulfillment. Find out more at lizzywilliamson.com and join Lizzy for her 10 Day New Year Body Kickstart – 2 minute video workouts delivered daily to your inbox to have you feeling fit, lean, detoxed and ready to rock 2015. It’s free! Like/Follow/Subscribe to Lizzy’s Facebook, Instagram and YouTube for more health and fitness motivation.
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