Great Ways To Get Fit Outdoors With Fitness Guru Luke Istomin

Tegan Lawson


Mar 13, 2016

We all spend so much time in cars but sitting is detrimental to your health – so, when you’re stuck in traffic, why not use the time AND your car for good, not evil – firm up your butt while you sit on it! Plus more.

To find out how to use your wheels to benefit your health, just hit play. Oh, and as a bonus you’ll get A-lister trainer Luke Istomins’s top three general workout tips into the bargain!

Want to read all about it instead? Here’s our transcript.

Tegan: Getting the motivation to continue working out can be hard.

Yvette: So we got to thinking how we might make it a little bit more fun – and Tegan I’ve seen a lot of personal trainers using their cars in workouts. They do have to lug a lot of gear around sometimes too so we were thinking the Nissan Navara Ute might be a really good way to go. And I was thinking Luke Istomin might be just the man for the job.

Tegan: Let’s see what we can do.

Yvette: So I’ve enlisted the help of celebrity trainer Luke Istomin, who’s the founder of F45 Training, and the new He’s trained the likes of Nicole Kidman and Leo DiCaprio, he’s training Ricky Martin at the moment, and he’s also responsible for those sculptured abs you would have seen on Hugh Jackman in Wolverine.

Luke: I sure have, but team, the most important clients I have today are these two superstars, Yvette and Tegan. Now ladies enough of the chit chat we’ve got a working man’s car here, let’s get to work. Let’s go! (Vision of Yvette and Tegan doing exercises utilising the vehicle in their workout)
… and 100, and stop. Well done!

Tegan: That’s it I’m exhausted I need a break. Luke you’ve spent a bit of time in the Navara so how about you take me for a drive and tell me what you thought of it. So what where your favourite things about it?

Luke: I actually just enjoy the sheer size of it being a bloke. I enjoy big trucks, just driving around be just being up high, that’s really good. The responsiveness of the engine, it doesn’t sounds like an old dirty truck. It goes really well, and the torque is fantastic.

Tegan: Alright we’re back at the basketball courts it’s time for more exercise.

Luke: You said all the right things there Tegan, let’s do it.

Yvette: Alright Luke time for me to pick your brains.

Luke: I like it.

Yvette: I seem to spend my life stuck in the car in peak hour traffic, what are some things I can do to make of use of the time.. tension busting exercises..?

Luke: When we are stuck in the car we can’t do too much, except just try and look after ourselves pretty much. Stay hydrated drink plenty of water, keep the water close by. Also just look after yourselves, keep the mid section nice and tall sit nice and tall activate your butt, do some butt squeezes in there, getting your core going from there. Using the time safety and wisely.

Yvette: Next question I have for you is I’m always spending my time at home looking for ways I can increase my fitness around the house. So what are some things that you can use that you might just find lying around the house or in your garage that you can use as part of your workout.

Luke: Yeah sure, if you’re at home you have a mobile gym really. It’s all about being smart and utilising what you have, whether you have a table or a chair, a sofa – a lounge, you can utilise that all as equipment. Even get a backpack and put it on your front and do some squats there. It’s just trying to again utilising what you have around your areas.

Yvette: As a woman I feel like I’m constantly training for an event whether it’s a wedding, a birthday, or bikini season in general. What are some of the things I can do to up the ante on the intensity of my workouts.

Luke: Great question – and you’ve also answered your own question right there! You’ve given yourself goals to aim for – the wedding or bikini season – you’ve given yourself a timeframe, you know how far away its going to be. The key word you just said is the intensity, I tell all my clients try to aim for 1% improvement every day you do workout, and that’ll give you a fantastic result and have their goals beaten.

Yvette: Great, perfect. Thanks for the advice Luke.

Luke: Pleasure.

Yvette: So here are Luke’s three tips on how to stay fit and healthy.

Luke: Thanks Yvette. Okay guys short and sweet – three tips.

One, stay hydrated – everyone needs water. You want to aim to have 30mls of water per kg of body weight. So if you’re a 60k lady, you want to have 1.8 litres of water just to function. Add some more water when you exercise.

Tip number two, make it fun and do what works for you if you’re not enjoying something find something that works for you, there’s plenty of stuff to find, I’m sure you’ll be alright.

Third tip is, be creative and utilise what you have, whether you’re outdoors working out with a car, at home with your furniture or in the gym, be creative make the most of it. I’m sure you’ll have a great result.

Alright break’s over. Time for round two, Tegan let’s go time for round two.
(Vision of Yvette and Tegan using the vehicle in their workouts)

Luke: Girls well done great start, lovely day’s performance, I’ll see you back here same time same place tomorrow for round two.

Yvette: Alright, that’s my workout done. For more great health and fitness tips visit

Tegan Lawson is the Lifestyle Editor for

Tegan Lawson

Tegan Lawson is the Lifestyle writer and Motoring Expert for The Carousel. Tegan produces in-depth interviews and reviews and helps readers make the best choice for their next car purchase. Tegan got her first taste of motorsports journalism working for a regional newspaper. She was still a student at the University of Southern Queensland but was moonlighting patrolling the pits at the Leyburn sprints and heading to the drags, as well as working trackside at the Queensland Raceway V8 supercar rounds in the early 2000s. With petrol firmly in her blood, these early days spawned her love of all things automotive. Her driving career as a 17 year-old began with the unique experience of a Suzuki Carry Van that was quickly upgraded to a more image-appropriate Holden Barina.


By Tegan Lawson


Tegan Lawson is the Lifestyle writer and Motoring Expert for The Carousel. Tegan produces in-depth interviews and reviews and helps readers make the best choice for their next car purchase. Tegan got her first taste of motorsports journalism working for a regional newspaper. She was still a student at the University of Southern Queensland but was moonlighting patrolling the pits at the Leyburn sprints and heading to the drags, as well as working trackside at the Queensland Raceway V8 supercar rounds in the early 2000s. With petrol firmly in her blood, these early days spawned her love of all things automotive. Her driving career as a 17 year-old began with the unique experience of a Suzuki Carry Van that was quickly upgraded to a more image-appropriate Holden Barina.



The Carousel
