If you’re spending a lot of time sitting your glute muscles become weak.
When this happens we are much more susceptible to back pain and injuries. Our glutes are also our biggest muscle group so when you work them they work for you by burning a whole lot of kilojoules.
What you’ll do:
Ensure you’re body and joints are warmed up and ready for these movements, positions and weight bearing activities. Go through all the exercises on the right leg then repeat with your left.
- On all fours rear leg raise with bent leg
- Side knee drops with side leg extension
- Side lying leg raises
- Side lying knee to elbow with leg extension x 8
- Dips with kicks x 8
- Chair modified push ups x 8
- Chair hover cross kicks x 8
Repeat as many times as you like.
This post was last modified on 27/06/2016 4:42 pm