Emotional Overdrive Incoming with September’s Lunar Overload – the Harvest Supermoon, Partial Lunar Eclipse, & Spring Equinox

Super harvest moon

The night sky will host a celestial event of profound significance this week, with the Harvest Supermoon accompanied by a Partial Lunar Eclipse in the ethereal sign of Pisces.

And Wednesday’s (September 18th)  combined lunar energy could result in emotional upheaval and new beginnings for many of us.

Having a Supermoon and an Eclipse together is wonderful entwinement of lunar energy which can really allow us to feel her power!

It offers a chance to enjoy a truly spectacular view of the moon in the night sky, but more importantly, are the very real psychological and spiritual effects which will transpire.

This powerful phenomenon could cause our emotions to go into overdrive – as a result inviting introspection and transformation, offering a unique opportunity for growth and enlightenment.

The full moon becomes a Supermoon when it is at its closest proximity to Earth (its perigee), around 360,000 kilometres away, and as a result it appears bigger and brighter than usual.

Full moons, but especially Supermoons, have a way of drawing things out of us, and the psychological and spiritual effects of the Supermoon will be stronger for both humans and animals.

Headaches or migraines may be an unwanted side effect, so cut back on thinking too much.

Set an intention and follow through on it… draw out your intuitive powers and let go of what is not serving you.

This Supermoon, known as the Harvest Supermoon, traditionally signals the time when farmers reap the rewards of their crops and prepare for the coming changes of the season.

Adding to the celestial spectacle, the Partial Lunar Eclipse will cast a subtle shadow across the moon’s surface, deepening its impact on our emotional and spiritual realms.

The eclipse, occurring in Pisces, enhances this full moon’s energies, guiding us through a period of reflection and transformation; can you feel the change already?

While the moon’s spiritual effects will be felt by everyone to some extent, because Pisces is a Mutable Water sign, this sign along with other Water signs Scorpio and Cancer, and Mutable signs Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius, will feel it most. 

Astrological Implications:

  • Emotional Clarity: Pisces, a water sign known for its intuitive and empathetic qualities, brings a heightened sense of emotional awareness. This Supermoon and eclipse offer an opportunity to dive deep into our inner world, fostering clarity and healing in areas of our lives that may have felt stagnant or unresolved.
  • Creativity and Inspiration: Pisces is also associated with creativity and imagination. People may find their artistic and intuitive abilities amplified. It’s an ideal time to channel these energies into creative projects, spiritual practices, or any pursuit that aligns with personal passions.
  • Letting Go and Forgiveness: The energy of Pisces encourages forgiveness and the release of old patterns that no longer serve us. This is a time to let go of grudges, past hurts, and emotional baggage, allowing for renewal and personal growth.
  • Connection with the Spiritual Realm: Pisces has a strong connection to the spiritual and mystical realms. This Supermoon and eclipse are likely to enhance our ability to connect with our higher selves, spiritual guides, and the universe at large, offering profound insights and guidance.

This is the second of four consecutive Supermoons this year and it will reach its peak at AEST 12.34pm on Wednesday, although best visible in the night sky Tuesday or Wednesday.

The Supermoon falls just four days before Spring Equinox (September 22nd), which has equal hours of day and night.

As we enter the changing of the seasons and new beginnings with Spring, we also need to be mindful that the heavens are challenging us with the ultimate goal of personal growth.

Focus on achieving balance during this time of emotional overload, resolve small things in yourself, and rest up!

Your creativity and intuition could be very high now so it’s also a great time to start a new project or breathe some life back into relationships.

Practical Guidance:

  • Meditation and Journaling: Engage in reflective practices such as meditation or journaling to explore your inner thoughts and emotions. This can help clarify your intentions and desires.
  • Creative Expression: Embrace activities that allow for creative expression. Whether through art, music, or writing, use this time to channel your inspiration and insights.
  • Emotional Release: Consider practices that support emotional release, such as therapy, energy healing, or rituals designed to let go of past pain and make space for new beginnings.
  • Spiritual Connection: Strengthen your spiritual practices or explore new ones. This may include prayer, meditation, or connecting with nature to enhance your sense of spiritual alignment.

While we won’t see the lunar eclipse itself in Australia, New Zealand, most of China, Southeast Asia or Russia, these countries will still feel its spiritual effects.

Effects will be going on for everyone even if we can’t see it here and sometimes the action starts before the eclipse and continues for six months afterwards.

Good eclipse visibility is possible in Europe, much of Asia, Africa, North America, Pacific, Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica and South America.

Harvest Supermoon horoscopes:

Aries (March 21 to April 19): This Piscean Harvest Supermoon shining on you will make your dreams more vivid. Your everyday thoughts could spark with some pretty wild insights! Pay attention to those flashes of inspiration—they’re your subconscious trying to tell you something important. This is a deeply spiritual time for you, and you might just stumble upon some unconventional or revolutionary ideas. With Uranus backing you up alongside the Sun and the Moon, your creativity is going to soar, urging you to think outside the box. Do try to carve out some alone time to jot down your thoughts and feelings. A little retreat into nature might do wonders for your motivation and creativity.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20): This Super Eclipse in Pisces shows Uranus, and the Sun are in your corner, helping you make some positive changes in your relationships. If things have felt tough lately, this lunar cycle is all about lifting your spirits and infusing a bit more optimism into your life. Sure, it’s not all roses, but finding practical solutions can come easier now. It’s a fantastic month for meeting new people who really resonate with you. Plus, you might finally tackle those pesky relationship issues that have been hanging around for a while. Relaxing and meditating can help you connect more deeply with your spiritual side. Consider doing some yoga or taking a nice walk in nature to really enhance that vibe!

Gemini (May 21 to June 20): This Supermoon Eclipse is a really spiritual time, especially with Neptune stepping in to help you grow. Just a heads up, though: watch how you present yourself at work. You don’t want to come off as confused or impractical. It’s all about balancing your groundedness with spirituality. You might find that authority figures notice you and are likely to be supportive. It’s also a great time for your reputation—sharing your thoughts on social media could lead to something, but just make sure you don’t go overboard! On top of that, you might feel extra empathetic toward your coworkers. It’ll be easier to pick up on their vibes, so you could find yourself being a shoulder to cry on. Just remember to set healthy boundaries if anyone becomes a bit too clingy!

Cancer (June 21 to July 22): This Pisces Super Eclipse is bound to be an emotional ride! Since the Moon is your ruling planet, you’re probably feeling everything more intensely right now. Expect a mix of excitement and new opportunities, but also a bit of nostalgia for what you’re leaving behind. It’s a perfect time to explore where you fit in the world, and you might find yourself dreaming of long-distance travel. Your creative side could also be awakening, especially if you’re considering higher education or retraining. Spirituality may play a big role for you during this lunar cycle. Perhaps, you’re just not quite ready to dive into action now. Just know that change is definitely on the horizon!

Leo (July 23 to August 22): This Super Lunar Eclipse is stirring things up, and you might find it a bit challenging with all the planets—Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and the Sun—throwing curveballs your way. But here’s the silver lining: if you put in the effort, you can really make something positive out of these tough situations.  Find the bright side, especially when it comes to communication, finances, investments, real estate, or even inheritances. Also, intimacy could feel a bit limited right now, which can add to tension. Even though Saturn seems to be putting the brakes on things, you can still make steady progress. Patience is key, so don’t give up on close connections; they’re worth the effort!

Virgo (August 23 to September 22): Right now, your significant relationships may feel more important than ever. This Super Lunar Eclipse has a way of bringing up a lot from the depths of your subconscious. Feel the need for some support? Reach out—people are likely willing to help if you ask! With Saturn hanging around, you may be feeling pretty serious and responsible these days. Also be careful not to view your key relationships through rose-colored glasses, as Neptune is doing its thing. On the bright side, this is a fantastic time to deepen your spiritual connections with others. You may notice those bonds becoming even stronger now. Remember, though, that while close relationships are important, it’s also crucial to maintain your own independence. Balance is key!

Libra (September 23 to October 22): This Piscean Super Lunar Eclipse is likely to shake things up a bit when it comes to your feelings of independence and the desire for change in your everyday life. Your mantra could become “I want to break free”, cue in Freddie Mercury! It’s time to breathe some fresh air and get out there! This eclipse is encouraging you to go with the flow and embrace a sense of liberation. You might find some old feelings surfacing that need to be expressed in a healthy way. Try incorporating movement, meditation, or music into your days—they can really help you process everything. So go ahead and shake up your routine; do something different and exciting! You deserve it!

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21): This Super Lunar Eclipse is lighting up your chart with some intriguing astro patterns, and you’re likely to feel a surge of energy. It’s a good idea to take some time off work and focus on sorting through everything that’s coming up. With a T-Square and a kite pattern weaving through the skies, things may get interesting, however, don’t worry! You could achieve some really positive outcomes when it comes to shared resources like investments, real estate, or inheritances. Plus, both your spirituality and daily life start aligning in a meaningful way. If your health hasn’t been great, there’s potential for improvement. Do be mindful of big gatherings and take some precautions to avoid any viruses. Neptune is nudging you toward a quieter spiritual life, so embrace that vibe!

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21): You might be feeling sensitive and in tune with your spirituality, thanks to Neptune. It’s a good idea to keep things low-key and avoid taking on extra because with so many swirling planetary energies, stress levels could spike. Your subconscious could be stirred now, but here’s a silver lining: your creativity could really be on fire! Just be prepared for the unexpected—unpredictable things in your daily life, work, or even your health may come up. Give yourself plenty of time to get things done; it’s all about rolling with the waves right now. On a brighter note, entertainment, leisure, and romance might start to feel more important. If you’re open to it, make sure to allow time to socialize and have fun. It’s the perfect time to let loose and enjoy yourself!

Capricorn (December 22nd to January 19): Right now, traditions, home, and family roots are likely taking center stage. Memories or issues from the past may come back, stirring things up a bit. You could feel some deeper restrictions, but you might also find new insights too! With Mercury and the Sun lighting up your career zone, deep feelings could intensify, especially around communications. Have you been thinking about a career change? Perhaps, someone in a position of authority—like a parent or your boss—might not be as cooperative as you’d like. Balancing your family life, home commitments, and career can feel like a juggling act at times. You’re doing your best to keep everything in motion, but it’s a challenge to keep those balls in the air! Changes are coming!

Aquarius (January 20th to February 18): Communications are likely to get pretty emotional, and honestly, that’s a good thing. So go ahead – let it all out! Even if it gets a bit rocky, it’s definitely healthier to express what you’re feeling! If you’re running a business – this isn’t the best time for promotions and marketing. You might experience some ups and downs with siblings or distant relatives. A possibility exists of annoying local issues with neighbours or traffic. Take a deep breath and keep moving forward! You need more excitement in your life. Your co-ruler, Uranus, helps you to be more liberated and open in how you communicate. Spirituality, imagination, dreams, and insights become really vivid now.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20): Money might be on your mind this month. It’s really important to keep things in perspective and avoid jumping to worst-case scenarios. Clinging too tightly to money feels like it’s just slipping through your fingers. Strike the balance between financial needs and other important aspects of life. Start budgeting and try to set aside a little for a rainy day—it doesn’t have to be a lot! Right now is all about being fiscally cautious. You might also notice that your financial beliefs are shifting. As a sensitive and dreamy soul, it’s crucial to keep some order in your finances. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to seek out practical advice from someone you trust. This is a really transformative time for you, so make the most of it!

For September video horoscopes visit:


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Rose Smith: Rose Smith is a leading Australian spiritualist with more than 20 years’ professional experience working as a psychic, spiritual healer and teacher, and intuitive astrologer. Rose currently runs Absolute Soul Secrets.
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