Yoga to tone your arms works. Yes it works Yoga has so many benefits, you can lengthen, strengthen, as well as tone, and with regular practice you can set goals and achieve them.
For strong and toned arms, you might want to consider devoting some time every day towards your goal. I am a huge advocate for routine, find some time in your diary regularly, either daily or every two days, you need just 15 minutes each time, that’s all it takes.
Yes yoga is meditative, this is one of the main reasons that yoga is popular, but when you move into goal setting there is so much more than mediation. Yoga is a whole body movement and fluid breathing, through the easy AND the not so easy poses.
Yoga requires you to support your own body weight in different poses. In particular – arm balances, require the strength of your arms and shoulders. This will help with attaining your toned arms to swing and lift with confidence!
Alongside yoga for toning your arms, I highly recommend taking personal daily attention to your arms, neck and shoulders. Stretch them all out, give them all love and attention, as toning your arms, requires much more of your body.
Benefits of yoga for your arms;
- Builds strength in your arms and shoulders.
- Yoga activates your core – so many benefits there!
- Feeling stronger makes you feel more confident.
- Helps to control your breathing.
- Aids in every day life with lifting!
- No matter what pose you are in, you get a full body stretch.
- Builds on self-confidence, self-worth, self-discipline, and self-esteem.
Warm up first;
- Begin on all fours – hands and knees position, with arms shoulder width apart and feet hip-width apart.
- Engage your core to start, as though you were drawing your belly button towards your spine.
- Keep your head and neck in a neutral position and soften your gaze downward. This is the “cat” part of cat-cow pose.
- Coming into Cow Pose, inhale as you slowly release your belly button down in the direction of the floor, lifting your chin and chest at the same time, as your eyes gaze upwards. You are now in the “cow” part of cat-cow pose (please refer to image above).
- In a slow, rhythmic motion without stopping, come into cat pose. Exhale as you draw your belly button towards your spine and arch your back toward the ceiling as much as you can without straining. The pose should look like an angry cat.
5 rounds of cat/cow with long breaths.
Neck and shoulder stretches.
From a seated position, turn your head and neck from one side to the other, then up and down.
5 Arm swings – Gentle arm swings, forward, up, back and around to the front.
5 Shoulder rolls – Roll shoulders forward, up and back. Then back, up and forward.
Here are my recommended 5 Yoga Poses for arms;
- Begin on all fours – hands and knees position, with arms shoulder width apart and feet hip-width apart.
- Tuck all of your toes.
- Lift your bottom up towards the ceiling, and then press your bottom backwards as though you were trying to bump the wall behind you. Try to flatten feet to floor. Don’t worry if you can’t get all the way – the more you do the pose, the more flexible you will become.
- Think of your body as being in the shape of an upside down V.
- If you notice your spine isn’t straight, or find it difficult, slightly bend your knees and send your bottom backwards more.
5 rounds of long breaths in downward facing dog.
3 Legged Dog
Starting in Downward Facing Dog;
- Raise one leg up toward the ceiling, make sure to flex your foot for stability.
- Repeat on the other side
5 rounds of long breaths, each side in 3 Legged dog.
Chattaranga AKA Push Up
Start in plank position with the arms and legs very straight.
- Feet are hip-distance apart and shoulders are over your wrists.
- Heels press back, while spine and head are in one straight line.
- Breathe in deeply as you activate your core, by drawing belly button towards your spine, this will help to hold you nice and steady.
- Your legs are firm and strong.
- Tuck elbows in towards ribcage.
- Lower your body down, until shoulders are in line with your elbows.
- Core stays activated and breath is long.
5 rounds of long breaths in Push Up.
Side Plank –
- Begin in Plank.
- Bring your left palm to the centre of your mat, and roll onto the outer edge of your left foot.
- Stack your right foot on top of your left.
- Press deeply into your left palm to bring your shoulder away from your ear.
- Align right shoulder directly above your left.
- Reach your right arm straight up, and gaze sideways or upward.
- Repeat on the opposite side.
5 rounds of long breaths in Side Plank.
Upward plank
- Sitting on your mat, legs extended out in front, big toes and heels touching.
- Ensure your spine is straight and your core is engaged, as though you were bringing your belly button towards your spine.
- Place your hands on the floor beside you, press them firmly down. Your fingertips can face either towards the front of your mat, or the back of your mat, this is entirely on how your wrists and hands feel most comfortable.
- Engage your core again – belly button to spine.
- Inhale deeply and as you do, raise your pelvis, hips and legs, keeping your feet on the ground and arms straight.
- Your entire body is balanced by hands and feet.
- Gently tilt your head back if it feels ok to do so, to create a gentle backbend.
As always, listen to your body. The story that your body tells you is incredible and you must listen to it. Set your goals and block our times in your diary to make this happen.
Always be kind to yourself, move with ease and grace. You are the most important person in your life.
Happy arm toning!
This post was last modified on 06/03/2022 3:48 pm