You know when you discover something that is life changing…in the best possible way…and you just want to shout it out for all to hear? Well that’s me right now.
I feel compelled to share a remarkable wellness discovery with you all. If you suffer from lethargy, insomnia, depression, allergies, food intolerance, migraines, chronic fatigue, or irritable bowel syndrome, I think you might appreciate this!
Those who know me, know I have always eaten well. Brought up on a biodynamic farm, the benefits of eating biodynamic or organic produce were instilled in me from a young age. I am allergic to dairy, wheat and preservative 220, and choose not to eat meat – very limiting in the culinary sense – but on the positive- I became a very passionate and creative vegetarian cook, and started Love Lunch, specialising in nutritious organic vegetarian, gluten-free and vegan recipes.
I’ve trained hard; gymnastics, dance, horse-riding and sports when young; later, yoga, Pilates, PT’ing, power walks, dance and more. I have always incorporated daily exercise into my busy schedule, for peace of mind and physical fitness. I meditate daily, see a kinesiologist, have regular infra-red saunas, get holistic treatments at HealthSpace such as acupuncture and naturopathy. Despite all this and detoxing twice a year and living the “healthiest” life I know, I often feel lethargic and exhausted, and have been bed-ridden for weeks, even months at a time. It’s hindered my innate positivity, productivity and my social life.
Since contracting Dengue Fever three years ago, I’ve never been completely on top of my health. Frustrating and debilitating are understatements, especially as I take good care of myself, with the best supplements and utilising the best holistic care.
But….drum roll please….I have found an amazing treatment, combined with kinesiology and my other holistic goodies it has seriously changed my health, heck, my whole life for the better! It came about because a friend who suffers from allergies was shining so brightly that she was almost unrecognizable. What had she done to cause the change? It was a real “I-want-what-she’s-having”, When-Harry-Met-Sally moment. She told me she had been getting BICOM – Bioresonance Method by Petra treatments. I researched; here’s my layperson’s summary:
All substances emit specific electromagnetic waves – frequency patterns – with individual characteristics. Bicom therapy analyses these frequency patterns emitted by the body or by substances stressing the body and separates them into harmonious and disharmonious components. Healthy frequencies are enhanced and returned to the body to strengthen its normal functions; unhealthy frequencies are inverted to reduce their negative effects, then returned to the patient via an electromagnetic therapy mat.
Each session of 60 minutes consists of several therapy programmes: stressors, toxins and allergies affecting the patient are identified, and an energetic electro-acupuncture method determines which therapy to use. Bicom therapy provides signals corresponding to the patient’s physiological status, detects changes in physiological functions beyond normal awareness, amplifies these signals and provides feedback into the patient to promote healing. Results are pain reduction, muscle relaxation, and reduction of stress and allergic reactions.
I’ve been blown away by the results. Petra found an abundance of heavy diseases and viruses I had no idea I was carrying, and determined my allergies in just one session! She discovered I’d been bitten by a tick when I was aged nine and a funnel-web spider when I was aged three, and explained the heavy toxic ramifications that those two bites left in my system. I’ve had Dengue Fever and Ross River Fever (similar to Malaria) and, unknowingly, Glandular Fever for years – all contributing to my Chronic Fatigue. My gut was riddled with parasites – disrupting digestion and nutrient absorption and causing terrible cramping. Parasites also cause brain fog, loss of concentration, fatigue, loss of memory, depression, sudden bloating or allergic symptoms, bacteria – Staph, pseudomonas. NICE…not!
But wait, there’s more! I have Rickettsia, which also causes fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, memory loss, muscle aches… no wonder I felt like crap, no matter what I did and what supplements I took. Without my otherwise healthy life, I would have been hospitalised long ago.
The great news is Petra is reversing my symptoms. I actually see the parasites explode on the screen! She has reversed my food allergies too. I’ve since eaten something containing preservative 220 – which normally results in me having an anaphylactic fit – without my oesophagus constricting or my face swelling to resemble some plastic surgery gone wrong day time TV show. After six months of treatments I feel much more like my old pre-Dengue self… jumping with joy instead of dragging my tootsies, and not looking eight months pregnant after unknowingly ingesting wheat. Best of all, I’m much happier so much so I’m planning to train as a practitioner.
Sharing health, wellbeing and love.
The Carousel would like to thank Annalise Braakensiek for sharing her story. You can follow Annalise on Instagram, @annalisewithlove or @annalisewithlovelunch and Facebook AnnaliseBraakensiek.
This post was last modified on 10/11/2021 5:48 am