Active Wear Officially Rated As Feel Good Fashion

Active wear
Trudy Vains

Yoga Expert

Feb 24, 2021

Active wear. For years, we’ve rolled our eyes at people who consistently don it outside of the gym. Well, it seems these folk now have the last laugh, with a recent survey by Chobani Yoghurt showing it’s not only super comfy, but it helps build confidence, motivation, mental health and self esteem.

We asked our most active contributor, yogini Trudy Vains, for her take on the trend, and to unravel the survey’s findings.

As a Yoga Teacher I literally live in my active wear. I teach every day and I need to be comfortable.  My yoga pants are a little on the snug side and high waisted because that’s how I prefer them to be, it makes me feel comfortable to teach. Nothing rolls down, and I am confident knowing that all will stay where it should.

Active Wear Comfort Is Everything

When I attend a yoga as a student, the feeling I get from exercising is amazing – talk about releasing endorphins!  So, when I teach yoga, I know exactly what benefits my students get from their practice!

It’s an experience where you feel good both inside and out, and wearing the right clothing just makes everything align. I love the gym as well, so the same type of leggings works for me. I don’t want to be pulling pants up every five seconds. I need to be comfortable and at ease.

My work out clothes go far beyond my studio door!  I go everywhere in my exercise gear – grocery shopping, movies, visiting friends, going for a walk, or even just resting at home.  Either way, no matter what I do or where I go, I know this – I look good (because I choose to) and I feel good (which is even better).  I want to get up and do things!  Wearing my yoga clothes makes me want to stretch and move.

But it’s not just about looking good and feeling attractive and comfortable. There is increasing evidence that wearing active wear can actually boost your mood and your confidence.

Sarah McMahon, Psychologist and Director at BodyMatters Australasia, says, “exercise is well researched at having many benefits to our physical and mental health – particularly regarding positive mood and increased energy levels. By simply wearing active wear we vicariously experience some of the benefits of exercise by association. People report feeling fitter, healthier and even more active when wearing active wear, regardless of their actual behaviour.

“Active wear is now a wardrobe staple that is associated with an active lifestyle and this is something that is socially desirable. This is one of many reasons why people report feeling more confident when wearing active wear.”

Survey Says …

Sarah’s words resonated with me so strongly, as did the survey carried out by Chobani recently, which sought to understand the active wear habits of Australians over the last 12 months. The survey came off the back of an on-pack promotion offering shoppers the chance to instantly win 1 of 25,000 pieces of Chobani active wear.  

It was conducted online among a national sample of 1,237 people aged 18 to 59. Unsurprisingly, the results showed that people just love their workout gear!

The survey by OmniPoll found that:

  • 82% of Australians under 60 wear active wear either for exercise, at home or as casual wear 
  • 78% of people reported that they had worn exercise clothing as casual wear when they were out and about
  • Around 40% of people reported wearing active wear most days, if not every day 
  • Since COVID hit, 38% of respondents report wearing workout gear more often than previously 
  • Australians wear their active wear around the house more often than wearing it for exercise or being out and about
  • 78% of people reported that they had worn active wear as casual wear when they were out and about.
  • Around 40% of people reported wearing active wear most days, if not every day.

Now, this is not just about slouching around and giving up on fashion. The survey shows that people wearing active gear are actually inspired to exercise more and eat more healthily! How can that be a bad thing? It can’t, right?

More than half of the people surveyed said they wear workout clothing outside of exercise because they think they look attractive in it. Clearly, donning our sweats increases our confidence, too.

Overall usage of Active Wear

The Chobani study found that usage of active wear among Australian adults under 60 is prevalent, with 82% wearing it, even if only occasionally, for exercise, as casual wear and at home.  This increased usage is likely due to more of us working from home (53%), as overall, 75% of those working from home say they wear Active Wear either regularly or occasionally while working.

Of the 82% wearing exercise gear on the regular, the survey found that 72% wear it for exercise, as casual wear or for wearing around the house, while 10% wore it for a specific purpose like, you know, working out. Four percent wore it only for exercising.

Sixty four percent of people under 40 said one of the reasons they wear their sweats when out and about is because they think they look pretty attractive in it. Around 45% of men believe active wear make women look more attractive when they wear active wear as casual wear and 75% of women under 40 stating looking good in their active wear is an extremely or very important factor when deciding what to buy.

Interestingly, around 30% of people also reported they are more inclined to eat healthier foods when wearing their exercise outfits.

Chobani’s on-pack promo, giving you the chance to instantly win new fitness clothing, is happening until March 7, 2021, so get in quick. Simply purchase the yoghurt for your chance to win. ‘one’ of 25,000 pieces of Chobani active wear!

Have a happy time feeling beautiful, because you are beautiful, and enjoy this fun sketch, below.

Love, Trudy x

Trudy Vains

Trudy Vains is an Author, Yoga Teacher, and APP creator. Trudy’s book, 'Fused,' provides inspiration and a positive mindset in overcoming challenges. Trudy’s APP - 'Back Happy Yoga,' provides classes for mobility issues, back aches and pains, and stretches you can do at your desk.


By Trudy Vains

Yoga Expert

Trudy Vains is an Author, Yoga Teacher, and APP creator. Trudy’s book, 'Fused,' provides inspiration and a positive mindset in overcoming challenges. Trudy’s APP - 'Back Happy Yoga,' provides classes for mobility issues, back aches and pains, and stretches you can do at your desk.



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