Online shopping window is closed but never fear all of your Christmas needs shall be met right up to the very last minute.
We hear much about the convenience of buying online 24 hours a day and agree it is fabulous. The only complexity of buying online this time of year is delivery time.
My list reads things like finishing all my normal work plus finalising the Christmas pressie list, end of school term activities, holiday shopping, trimming the tree etc etc. With December being a short month due to the holiday season, our stress seems to increase as we mark off each day of the advent calendar. None of it seems like a partridge in a pear tree!
Ok, I am feeling exhausted just looking at all the work to be achieved in the little time left before Christmas.
The great news is you do not need to rush to your computer, make some hasty purchases and cross your fingers they arrive in time. Why not get the best of both worlds – avoid the mega stores and their frantic Christmas activity and get all the value of online shopping but do it in your own time. How? Why not head to the Markets?
The great news is you can head to Paddy’s Markets Haymarket or Flemington as they are open right up to Christmas. Whilst there multi task! Head to Paddy’s Markets website for time details.
You can
- bag a bargain whilst ticking off your Christmas Kris Kringle list
- procure the perfect produce (Do I need to mention it is Mango season?)
- finalise all your shopping
- get the freshest meat and seafood
- enjoy! All in one fabulous adventure.
Now that is what I call time management. I find the markets far more leisurely than heading to the mega shopping complexes.
I hate the frenzy of Christmas in the Mega complexes.
I love the cool early mornings at the markets whilst getting fresh produce.
I love chatting to the fishmongers and butchers.
There are some unique artisan gifts at the markets you do not find in all the Mega-shopping franchises. I love that these gifts look thoughtful not just the same old brands available at every shop you walk passed.
Take advantage of
- having the best of Aussie shopping within arms reach
- fabulous local farm fresh produce
- unique artisan gifts at incredible value
- accessibility right up to Christmas
So now you can have the control of your schedule back and avoid the frustration of your online parcels going missing in action.
Enjoy the best of the holiday season. Get the chores out of the way so you can ease into the celebrations. Relax and enjoy the long warm summer days with good friends, loving family and the best pressies and produce and all because you know my Savvy Secret to Success – Take advantage of the Market!
This post was last modified on 17/12/2024 9:48 am