Home made Coconut Yoghurt Is Easier To Make Then You Think

coconut yoghurt
Linda Brennan

Lifestyle Writer

Jun 25, 2023

If you love the coconut yoghurt you buy at the store, you are going to love making your own for so many reasons… It tastes delicious, it’s a whole lot cheaper and it’s lovingly made by you!

This an updated coconut yoghurt recipe, even easier than before, with a sweet option for you too.

My delicious recipe for coconut yoghurt pairs sensationally with the rose petal jam and of course with the Raw Granola in the A Delicious Bunch Book.

Have you seen my short video on how to make Rose petal Jam? Click here to see it. You will want to plant a dozen fragrant roses and make this jam I promise you.

1 x 400 gram can coconut cream*

½ teaspoon (2 grams) Agar**

1 capsule dairy free probiotic powder

To make this yoghurt sweet, you may add a dessertspoon of sugar or honey and a tiny slurp of vanilla .

Using a spoon, blend the coconut cream and agar powder in a saucepan. Make sure you have no lumps. Bring to a gentle simmer, and hold that heat for  30 seconds to activate the agar. Remove from the heat and cool to 36 degrees C.

Open the probiotic capsule and add the contents to the coconut cream mixture.  Whisk through until combined.

Pour the mixture into a clean glass or ceramic bowl and cover. (I use a sheet of greaseproof paper held in place with a rubber band). Cover with a towel and sit it in warm spot for 12 hours to culture.  I use the dehydrator turned onto 36C  for the warm spot, but you may have a yoghurt maker.

After 12 hours, remove the towel and cover the container with beeswax or other lid to keep it airtight. Refrigerate.

Linda Brennan

I have a passion for good food grown and prepared locally and enjoy helping you create your own bountiful garden. I have been facilitating workshops and professional development courses for over 2 decades. I help people create sustainable gardens and healthy lives.


By Linda Brennan

Lifestyle Writer

I have a passion for good food grown and prepared locally and enjoy helping you create your own bountiful garden. I have been facilitating workshops and professional development courses for over 2 decades. I help people create sustainable gardens and healthy lives.



The Carousel
