Never Mind The Calories – This Is The Healthiest Chocolate Brownie Ever!

My favourite recipe is vegan, nutritious and needs absolutely no cooking. But most importantly of all, it’s supremely delicious.

There is no denying that the raw food movement is taking over. So with that in mind, I present you with one of the most life-changing brownie experiences any raw food lover can have. I often recommend this decadent sweet treat to my clients, as it is the perfect way to indulge minus the refined sugar and nasty processed additives.

The only equipment needed to make these Raw Chocolate Brownies are your blender and your fridge, then as Bannie says “Get in my belly!”.

Makes approx 16 brownies


2.5 cups of organic medjool dates chopped and pitted
1 cup of dry roasted almonds
1 cup of organic almond meal
1/3 cup of organic carob powder
1/2 cup of organic raw cacao nibs
2 tablespoons of extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil
Shredded organic coconut for top.

1 Melt the coconut oil in a saucepan on a very low heat until liquid, set aside. Then, in a food processor blitz the chopped dates, almond meal and walnuts until combined and slightly chunky.
2 Pour the carob powder into the bowl with the coconut oil and stir to combine. Once combined, pour the oil/carob into the food blender with the mixture and blitz until batter is smooth.
3 If the mixture is stuck together and no longer blitzing, pull it out of the food processor and knead the mixture until evenly combined.
4 If you haven’t already transferred the mixture to a bowl, do so now and stir through the cacao nibs.
5 Place the mixture into a lined baking dish, pressing down firmly with your fingers so it is even.
6 Place in the refrigerator for several hours until set.
7 Sprinkle with shredded coconut and slice into pieces and serve.

Bannie Williams

Bannie Williams is a Nutritionist, former model and the founder of The Healthy Ingredient- a holistic nutritional consultancy based in Melbourne. Having since completed Nutrition and Food Sciences at University, Bannie is a powerhouse in the world of Nutrition. From nutrition writing, to health food recipe development, Bannie is all about holistic living. Bannie is the resident nutritionist for a number of publications including The Carousel and Cleo magazine. Bannie also practices as an Associate Nutritionist through her Melbourne based consultancy. All recipes and images posted on The Healthy Ingredient are Bannie’s delicious, clean creations all individually designed to have a superior nutritional profile.

This post was last modified on 03/02/2025 11:15 am

Bannie Williams: Bannie Williams is a Nutritionist, former model and the founder of The Healthy Ingredient- a holistic nutritional consultancy based in Melbourne. Having since completed Nutrition and Food Sciences at University, Bannie is a powerhouse in the world of Nutrition. From nutrition writing, to health food recipe development, Bannie is all about holistic living. Bannie is the resident nutritionist for a number of publications including The Carousel and Cleo magazine. Bannie also practices as an Associate Nutritionist through her Melbourne based consultancy. All recipes and images posted on The Healthy Ingredient are Bannie’s delicious, clean creations all individually designed to have a superior nutritional profile.
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