Anti-Inflammatory Green Smoothie

Bannie Williams

Aug 15, 2021

Try Bannie Williams recipe for a healthy Anti-Inflammatory Green Smoothie.

1 banana
1/2 ripe avocado
1tsp cinnamon
1 fresh mango
1tsp maca Powder
2 TBS natural yoghurt
Small handful of fresh spinach
1/2 cup of ice

1 Blend until smooth. Top with: Bee Pollen, 
shredded coconut
 and a few extra chia seeds.

Bannie Williams

Bannie Williams is a Nutritionist, former model and the founder of The Healthy Ingredient- a holistic nutritional consultancy based in Melbourne. Having since completed Nutrition and Food Sciences at University, Bannie is a powerhouse in the world of Nutrition. From nutrition writing, to health food recipe development, Bannie is all about holistic living. Bannie is the resident nutritionist for a number of publications including The Carousel and Cleo magazine. Bannie also practices as an Associate Nutritionist through her Melbourne based consultancy. All recipes and images posted on The Healthy Ingredient are Bannie’s delicious, clean creations all individually designed to have a superior nutritional profile.


By Bannie Williams

Bannie Williams is a Nutritionist, former model and the founder of The Healthy Ingredient- a holistic nutritional consultancy based in Melbourne. Having since completed Nutrition and Food Sciences at University, Bannie is a powerhouse in the world of Nutrition. From nutrition writing, to health food recipe development, Bannie is all about holistic living. Bannie is the resident nutritionist for a number of publications including The Carousel and Cleo magazine. Bannie also practices as an Associate Nutritionist through her Melbourne based consultancy. All recipes and images posted on The Healthy Ingredient are Bannie’s delicious, clean creations all individually designed to have a superior nutritional profile.



The Carousel
