Peter Evans: Glazed Paleo Christmas Ham Recipe

Peter Evans: Glazed Paleo Christmas Ham RecipePeter Evans: Glazed Paleo Christmas Ham Recipe

Christmas ham is one tradition that I am happy to continue in our household as not only is it super easy and delicious, but there are leftovers for days, if not weeks.

Having quality protein in the fridge is one of the most important pieces of advice I can give to anyone moving to a paleo diet as it helps you to feel fuller for longer.

If you are looking for ideas for your leftover ham, you can eat it with green eggs for breakfast (thanks Dr Seuss), shave it through a gorgeous summer salad or even serve it with some Christmas Kraut.

For a paleo Kraut recipe click here 

Serves 15 – 20
Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 90 minutes

1 x 5 kg cooked, cold leg of ham
3 large apples of your choice, halved
3 peaches, halved and stoned

260 g (¾ cup) honey
zest and juice of 1 orange
1 ½ teaspoons ground yellow mustard seeds
1 ½ teaspoons ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon ground cloves
¼ teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
¼ teaspoon ground allspice

1 Preheat the oven to 160°C.
2 Prepare the ham by lifting off the skin but leaving the fat. Score a diamond pattern into the fat. (This helps to open the ham up and to allow the flavour to penetrate into the meat.)
3 To make the glaze, combine all the ingredients with 3 tablespoons of water in a bowl and mix well.
4 Spread the glaze over the ham. Place the ham in a roasting tin and pour in water to a depth of 2 cm. Bake for 30 minutes. Remove from the oven and scatter the apples and peaches around the ham.
5 Return to the oven and bake for another 30–60 minutes, basting the fruit and ham from time to time. (Be careful not to let the ham burn.) Cover with foil and set aside in a warm place to rest for 15 minutes before slicing.
6 Slice the ham and serve with the spiced fruit.


Pete Evans

A love of food saw Pete begin his career as chef and restaurateur at the age of 19, opening numerous award winning restaurants nationally as well as cooking in some of the finest restaurants globally. Pete has not only cooked for the general public, but he’s also cooked a royal banquet for the Prince and Princess of Denmark, a private dinner for Martha Stewart, and even represented his hometown at the gala G?Day USA dinner for 600 in NYC. Pete’s career has moved from the kitchen into the lounge room with many TV appearances including Lifestyle Channel’s Home show, Postcards from Home, FISH, My Kitchen Rules, Moveable Feast, and his latest The Paleo Way… stay tuned for Food is Medicine which is in pre production now! It’s safe to say he knows his stuff, with over 10 bestselling cookbooks inspiring individuals and families in their kitchens around the world. Pete’s also a simple guy. He loves his family, the ocean, surfing, and maintaining his own healthy lifestyle. When he changed his life to The Paleo Way of living, an abundance of mental, physical, and emotional changes followed. This paved the way for Pete’s belief that food can be medicine, and that it should be our first port of call for a healthier life. They say the proof is in the pudding, and if hearing Pete speak about The Paleo Way isn’t enough to get you excited, almost nothing will. As a certified health coach with qualifications from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Pete wants to change the lives of everyone around him, including you.

This post was last modified on 19/12/2023 7:14 am

Pete Evans: A love of food saw Pete begin his career as chef and restaurateur at the age of 19, opening numerous award winning restaurants nationally as well as cooking in some of the finest restaurants globally. Pete has not only cooked for the general public, but he’s also cooked a royal banquet for the Prince and Princess of Denmark, a private dinner for Martha Stewart, and even represented his hometown at the gala G?Day USA dinner for 600 in NYC. Pete’s career has moved from the kitchen into the lounge room with many TV appearances including Lifestyle Channel’s Home show, Postcards from Home, FISH, My Kitchen Rules, Moveable Feast, and his latest The Paleo Way… stay tuned for Food is Medicine which is in pre production now! It’s safe to say he knows his stuff, with over 10 bestselling cookbooks inspiring individuals and families in their kitchens around the world. Pete’s also a simple guy. He loves his family, the ocean, surfing, and maintaining his own healthy lifestyle. When he changed his life to The Paleo Way of living, an abundance of mental, physical, and emotional changes followed. This paved the way for Pete’s belief that food can be medicine, and that it should be our first port of call for a healthier life. They say the proof is in the pudding, and if hearing Pete speak about The Paleo Way isn’t enough to get you excited, almost nothing will. As a certified health coach with qualifications from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Pete wants to change the lives of everyone around him, including you.
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