Lychee Rosé Spritz – Cocktail Of The Week

Lychee Rosé Spritz is the perfect cocktail to soak up the last glorious, hazy days of summer. Rosé is obviously a delightfully light wine, and it just gets an added honey-floral sweetness with the fruit.

Lychees are also packed with nutrition, which kind of makes this cocktail a healthy sip!

They are a great source of several vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin C (one lychee provides around nine percent of your RDI of vitamin C). They’re also a good source of copper and potassium, which means they are great for heart health.

The wonderful thing about this recipe, too, is it contains a decent amount of soda water, so you are getting a good dose of hydration while you’re imbibing. We love it!

This refreshing recipe was created by Marie Duong for Australian Lychees.

Lychee Rosé Spritz (Serves 1)

What you need …

● six fresh lychees, peeled and seeded

● 100mL (two parts) rosé wine

● 50mL (one part) soda water


How to make it …

1. Gently muddle lychees in the bottom of a glass.

2. Top the mix up with your rosé wine and soda water. Gently stir to combine and serve with tapas or finger food while the sun is setting.

Lychee Rosé Spritz, created by Marie Duong for Australian Lychees.

Shonagh Walker

Shonagh Walker is a multi-award-winning lifestyle writer and author specialising in beauty, health, fashion, travel, pets and animals. Her career spans over 30 years, and she can't recall a day during that time, where she hasn't been excited to get to work!

This post was last modified on 17/02/2021 6:53 pm

Shonagh Walker: Shonagh Walker is a multi-award-winning lifestyle writer and author specialising in beauty, health, fashion, travel, pets and animals. Her career spans over 30 years, and she can't recall a day during that time, where she hasn't been excited to get to work!
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