Savvy Shopaholic: Bulk Buying Groceries Will Save You a Fortune!

Did you know that the average person in Australia spends at least $200 on groceries every week?

With the cost of living rising, it is no surprise that people are looking for ways to save where possible so they can splurge on the fun things.

Let’s chat about the emerging trend that is buying in bulk.

It is a great weapon in your cash savvy arsenal and can save the average family anywhere from $50 to $100 dollars a week.

I believe I save way more than that!

Major shopping chains are taking notice of the new trend and are even enticing customers to purchase groceries in bulk. Some retailers like Costco are geared specifically for this.

There are some tips and tricks to making the most of bulk buying and most of those who do not like the concept have usually tried with the wrong product.

It may be time to revisit how you can keep more cash in your wallet at the end of each week.

Getting started Dos and Don’ts

Do remember that the cost per unit is the name of the game. This will help you discern what is a good buy and what is just a lot of product disguised as a bargain.

Do make sure you have room to store the goodies. Check on the space in your freezer, pantry and any other storage places you could utilise. I have been guilty of having a pantry overloaded with canned tomatoes and no room for anything else. I have a rack in my garage and often store the pet food, household essentials in plastic containers on the rack.

Do speak with your friends and family about sharing the bulk bounty. It is a great way to maximise savings without massive outlay and storage issues. It is also a perfect way to get the most from buying perishables.

Don’t buy items you have not tried before. I still have BBQ sauce that is a great example of this. Yuk!

Don’t buy perishables unless you are ready to use them quickly. I do buy fruit like raspberries and freeze them or make jams. I often buy boxes of tomatoes and make pasta sauces that I freeze or make homemade tomato sauce I bottle.

What products should be on your list?

In the grocery aisle staples like rice, pasta, flour and dry foods are great as they keep if stored well. For me, the general household items are a great place to really save.

Cling wrap, foil, baking paper, garbage bags, detergents and other household items are a deceptively great place to make savings. Dishwasher tablets and washing powder can easily be purchased in bulk for 30 – 50% of the normal shelf price.

Other items where great savings on groceries can be made are things like batteries, toothpaste and toothbrushes and toilet paper. Costco staff tell me it is their number one selling item.

Storage and shelf life

As discussed, if you are saving food items in your garage you will need to store things in plastic containers to avoid rodents.

Some items do have a limited shelf life like nuts, brown rice and oil. They tend to go rancid after 4-6 months. The limited shelf life of brown rice surprised me but as it is less processed it does not store as well as white rice.

Although the initial investment seems like you are spending a lot you very quickly notice the cash in your wallet at the end of the week as your grocery trolley items dwindle.


Importantly, as an overachieving domestic goddess with all of this savvy shopping you definitely require a little indulgence and now you can demonstrate why you deserve it (as if you ever needed to!).

  • The Carousel would like to thank the Savvy Shopaholic Jo Munro for this article. Check our her site here for more amazing shopping tips.
Jo Munro

Jo Munro is best known as The Savvy Shopaholic with the tag line 'Shop More, Save More'. She is The Carousel's resident shopping expert and a regular TV presenter on Ch9's Today Show and A Current Affair. In Jo's book The Savvy Shopaholic, she shares over 20 years of savvy shopping expertise, business wisdom and channel management with those who want to turn their shopping skills into cash. Much loved for her luxe for less shopping tips and wide-brimming smile, she's always keen to share her passion for shopping and savvy tips to get the most out of your dollar.

This post was last modified on 22/02/2024 12:34 pm

Jo Munro: Jo Munro is best known as The Savvy Shopaholic with the tag line 'Shop More, Save More'. She is The Carousel's resident shopping expert and a regular TV presenter on Ch9's Today Show and A Current Affair. In Jo's book The Savvy Shopaholic, she shares over 20 years of savvy shopping expertise, business wisdom and channel management with those who want to turn their shopping skills into cash. Much loved for her luxe for less shopping tips and wide-brimming smile, she's always keen to share her passion for shopping and savvy tips to get the most out of your dollar.
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